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Rena App [1/2]secretyanaAugust 13 2008, 04:28:31 UTC
Mun Info
Name: Samantha Age: Sixteen Personal lj: secretyana Contact: AIM; neptune7257
Character Info
Name: Reina "Rena" Ryuugu Canon: Higurashi no naku koro ni Class: Middle Class, She has an Orange-Brown hair color. Personality: Rena's the type of girl that would do anything for the friends she has. Despite this, she's never had very many. It's not that she's hard to get along with or anything of that sort, it's just that she's an odd girl. She finds random things cute, and if she thinks a person's cute enough, she'll try and Kidnap take them home with her. She's a sweet, caring girl, whose loyal to the core, and loves most people in general. Despite this, she can be extremely paranoid, hearing footsteps that aren't really there behind her, and seeing maggots in her wrists. She does her best to hide it, and won't tell anyone about what she sees and hears
( ... )
Background: Reina was raised by both of her middle class parents, in an apartment in Apatia. Her mother was stuck up, despite only being middle-class, and taught Reina to treat the lower class as animals. However, this plan backfired, when a young Reina replied to her mother one day "But, Mama! Don't you think animals are just the cutest?". Aside from her mother being extremely stuck up and only ever wanting the best, Reina grew up in a happy, relaxed family environment, full of lots of love and joy
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Rena App [3/3]secretyanaAugust 13 2008, 04:30:02 UTC
Sample Third Person: She finished adjusting the merchandise that lined the shelve in the shop, smiled, and took a step back to admire the work she had done there for a moment, smiling and nodding. It looked significantly neater now, didn't it? People kept messing the shelves, because apparently it was amusing to walk around a store and mess things up. Rena on the other hand, found none of this amusing in the slightest bit. Probably because she was the one who always fixed them, but she didn't see it as a chore. She was more than willing to make things look nice, because when other people saw nice things, it made them happy. At least someone around this place might be happy for once. This part of Apatia was closer to Celes, and was more dangerous and depressing than the rest of the city. Not as depressing as Celes itself, but really, there wasn't much Rena could do for those in Celes. She had given up on helping them long ago
( ... )
Name: Samantha
Age: Sixteen
Personal lj: secretyana
Contact: AIM; neptune7257
Character Info
Name: Reina "Rena" Ryuugu
Canon: Higurashi no naku koro ni
Class: Middle Class, She has an Orange-Brown hair color.
Personality: Rena's the type of girl that would do anything for the friends she has. Despite this, she's never had very many. It's not that she's hard to get along with or anything of that sort, it's just that she's an odd girl. She finds random things cute, and if she thinks a person's cute enough, she'll try and Kidnap take them home with her. She's a sweet, caring girl, whose loyal to the core, and loves most people in general. Despite this, she can be extremely paranoid, hearing footsteps that aren't really there behind her, and seeing maggots in her wrists. She does her best to hide it, and won't tell anyone about what she sees and hears ( ... )
Sample Third Person: She finished adjusting the merchandise that lined the shelve in the shop, smiled, and took a step back to admire the work she had done there for a moment, smiling and nodding. It looked significantly neater now, didn't it? People kept messing the shelves, because apparently it was amusing to walk around a store and mess things up. Rena on the other hand, found none of this amusing in the slightest bit. Probably because she was the one who always fixed them, but she didn't see it as a chore. She was more than willing to make things look nice, because when other people saw nice things, it made them happy. At least someone around this place might be happy for once. This part of Apatia was closer to Celes, and was more dangerous and depressing than the rest of the city. Not as depressing as Celes itself, but really, there wasn't much Rena could do for those in Celes. She had given up on helping them long ago ( ... )
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