Please go to the
Admin Console and enter the below information there~
friend add tanagura_mod
friend add tanagura_city
friend add tanagura_ooc
friend add tanagura_logs
friend add bad_luck_stray
friend add coveting_hatred
friend add discordantchild
friend add gun_smoking
friend add hans_faustviii
friend add idlemother
friend add indefective
friend add justiceispurity
friend add lancelotbaby
friend add lil_rookie
friend add luke_lawliet
friend add marked_by_blood
friend add neverbetrayme
friend add oedipuscomplex
friend add paintedly
friend add phoenixroyalty
friend add scion_of_lies
friend add soubixagatsuma
friend add soshameless
friend add specialgolden
friend add straydoghowl
friend add sycophant_angel
friend add theculpritis
friend add thesixtyeighth
friend add tinyfukutaichou
friend add tolovemenot
friend add transiently
friend add vagrant_purity
friend add virtuous_jin
friend add wonderfulxme
friend add xangel_of_rainx
friend remove albinosteiner
friend remove aussie_gaijin
friend remove floriferous
friend remove forgottenroy
friend remove gunxgun
friend remove piercedmessiah
friend remove quit_calling_me
friend remove takinguhome
friend remove theprinceripper
Please also comment here with either your friend add, if a new character, or friend remove, if dropping.