Apr 17, 2011 02:17
Too many of my recent posts have been failed cooking experiments. Time for some audience-participation creativity.
Imagine you have been dumped into Narnia, Oz, Wonderland, Middle Earth, Neverland, the Labyrinth, Xanth, or some other place that is Very Obviously Not Here. Animals speak, there is evident magic, the laws of physics are either different or not consistently applied, and so on. How you got there doesn't much matter (Magical door in the back of your closet? Improbably large burrow of a small mammal in a vest? Flight and impractical stellar navigation? Whatever), but you are, at least for the time being, stuck there. Assume whatever specific world and method of transit interests you most.
How do you think you'd react? How long do you think your initial "WTF? This must be a dream/hallucination/computer simulation" period would last? Once it was over, do you think you'd try to be A Hero, try to make a comfortable and normal life for yourself, frantically try to get home, cower in a corner, or what?
Any thoughts?
audience participation