
Sep 26, 2006 23:14

ok so i have this girlfriend and i am in love with is the first time i have ever been in actual do anything for her love!

but a little over a week ago she told me that she had tryed crack the night before.....i mean that is one of the worst drugs out i am fine with most drugs but not that one!
i mean she used aneedle! ewwww!

so i was totally pissed at her and still am......but tonight she gave me a promise ring......that she will never ever do it again.....but if you tried it once wont you try it again?
i mean i am a recovering e-tard.....i mean i tried it once and even though i wound up in the hospital because of it i still did it every day for over 3 months straight. crack is worse than e by a whole lot it is so much more addictive.......i just dont know if she will do it again or not. all i know is that i love her and dont want to be without her but i also dont want to be with a crack head version of her......crack destroys people...she wouldnt even be the same person......i am so confused and heart broken.....and i just want to go back before she did this....i was acctualy the only kind of happy you can get when you are completly in love!

having a girlfriend and being attached to this stupid drug world is totally messing things up!
i never should have started doing drugs.......but now that i am into them i will probably always at least smoke pot. but i dont want to do crack.....but what if one night if she does become a crack head she convinses me to try it.......i dont want to even go there......this bytes!

i just want to go back to the time when all i was conserned with was shopping my hair and my life consists of drugs alchohal trying to graduate and trying to stop my gf from becoming a crack head.

crack sucks!

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