Jun 14, 2006 20:33
ok so remember how i was thinking about how my life had turned into a mess.....well i am done thinking about it
its pretty much the end of the year and all my friends are gonna go in thier seperate directions....and i am kinda upset about it
i mean over the past few months my life has changed and i hav grown into a completly diferent person and i hav made new friends and lost old ones, but i realize now that i havent screwed up my life completly i hav just changed it
i was thinking about my life and i started to think that it was all fake and that the people i hang out with could just be nice to my face and jerks behind my back, well some of them might be like that but i know that there are some that i can trust to call when i am in trouble and know that they willbe there for me and not just obsessed with thier own life and they know that i will do the same for them
so this is for everybody that i love that is either graduating this year or is moving away.......i love you all<3
and for the rest of you i will see you around<3