so it's halloween, and some of us have been running scared. fancy-dress people in the city centre? no problem. however, there also seemed to be a lot of trolls there
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so! i now know that i can take little boo peep on journeys alone. even when the plane has to return once to the airport on technical grounds.* even if the one-hour train journey has been replaced by a three-hour bus ride. even if husband has misjudged the time, and the movement of my luggage has to rely on the kindness of strangers, as my arms are
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"had a busy day?" the cashier at the supermarket asked, and i, not wishing to appear as the lazy good-for-nothing that i am, muttered an insincere "yes". things started going rong soon afterwards
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it has finally penetrated to my extensive, extended family that we live in a holiday destination, so after a day-long break we are playing hosts to the second set of relatives in a month
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ahh! the baby's asleep, and now *i* get to play. her naps are getting fewer and further between these days -- made up for, fortunately, by the fact that she's very pleasant to be with when she's awake. as twiggy repeats at least twice a day: "i *like* this girl
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