(no subject)

Nov 16, 2012 17:58

Okay, remember how I've really really needed an appointment with my doctor to get my everything sorted out? Turns out that I had an appointment last week, but there wasn't the standard text-message-the-day-before, and I missed it. I thought it was sometime next week, and it was only from realising that I didn't have all that much medicine left that made me ring up the health centre and check that I had one next week.

I've got sufficient to last me until Tuesday, and apparently if I go in on Monday to request a repeat then they'll have it ready for Wednesday, which would mean not missing any.

But, I still need something tweaked pretty seriously, and a repeat perscription won't do that thing. Maybe I should write a letter to my doctor? That's worked before. I get very deferential when I'm physically at the doctor's, because I know that their opinion of me determines whether I get any help at all, and so it's really hard for me to say 'No, seriously, this thing is a serious problem that is effecting my ability to cope'. I just end up saying 'this is a problem' and then let them change the subject or dismiss it or go 'you're doing this other unrelated thing, so everything is fine' because I don't want to seem like I'm asking them for anything or expecting anything or being pushy.

Project staying-alive is currently experiencing turbulance, and it's probably going to get worse.

*In other news, the receptionists still get audibly frustrated and snappish when they're talking to disabled people. Which okay, I get that having someone repeating themselves unneccessarily or needing you to speak slowly so they can understand your words might be a bit taxing, but maybe don't take it out on the person on the other end of the phone who is not only having more difficultly with the conversation than you are, but is also afraid that they're going to go without their medicine (which then makes doing the phone-conversation thing even more difficult)?

crazy tamar is crazy, i bet the shadows call slay, crazy, mentally ill

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