Home again...

Dec 23, 2007 15:06

I know I usually make 'kezboard' posts from the Hotel Tauernhöf Austrian-Style keyboard, but anything I had to say last week didn't really have enough 'y's and 'z's to get the point across. I chickened out on the one email I sent, too. ^^;;

This morning was another '*open eyes* - Where Tee Eff am I?' moment, as well. Damn this 'different bed each week' lark, I tell you.

Though, being home has its uses. *eats crips and watches TV for the first time in ten weeks* I've installed all the software that I only realised wasn't on my not-old laptop after I got to Uni. So XVid, bittorrent & associated, Reason, the software that goes with my crappy old mp3 player... I'm yet to find the disk for Cubase, though, which sucks as it's the one that I really need the disk (and crack product code) for.

While hunting around, though, I did find all the audio for my GCSE Music compositions - not the Cubase files, regrettably (they'll have died along with my PCs motherboard), but the songs themselves. I think I'll have to pretend that they didn't ever have lyrics, though - the audio has a synth playing the intended vocal tune, and the crappy lyrics themselves were written in the back of an old maths book, ripped out, hidden, and lost.

Listening to the old tunes, though, more potential lyrics are coming to mind, so I might bang out a couple more.

If I find this bloody disk, that is. It's supposed to be with the Reason, PowerTabs and Syth Library disks... *chucks stuff around drawers*


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