LARP: Shattered Legacies

Oct 22, 2007 01:33

i.e.: Let me geek at you.

Basically, one of the main things that we SF&F Freshers have been told about LARPing is how players managed to accidentally destroy the old LARP world, one of the main reasons being that they ignored it when undead were being smuggled into the city. So what do we do on the very first adventure of the new LARP? Nearly bring an undead/zombie/'tainted' into the city. XD

It was massive fun - my character is a Rune Mage with no armour and no endurance points, armed only with one rune and a short sword that did single damage, and wearing a cloak that I tripped over at one point (when both arms were incapacitated and zombies were swarming all over us).

Apparently, only 'death-counting' twice under the circumstances meant that our little group of newbies was awesomely skilled. We used strategy *nods solemnly* Steve (fellow Physicist, who I may or may now tell you about later) would wack one from one side, then when it went after him I'd wack it from the other, then when it came after me he'd hit it, and so on until it fell over.

*grins and vanishes once more*

shatleg, geek, uni, larp

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