Stuff from Tokyo in Tulsa

Jul 18, 2011 00:15

So year four has come and gone and believe it or not, it's been way better than past years. Probably the best yet. And next year's only going to get better. ESPECIALLY if they manage to get Steve Blum.

Info for the art contest will be up in a week. At least I hope it'll be up in a week, given how they sometimes procrastinate on getting info up on the website. -_-

Anyway, on to my goodies. My camera died recently so no pictures... and now I have to save my points from work. To replace my camera. Yes.

Anyway, art and goodies under the cut... They're also rather large. And a little bit of boylove. Nothing explicit, but it's there and you have been warned. ^^;;

Shimei and Rin from Ao no Exorcist. Sorry, I totally ship them. ^_^ Art by Studio Tip Top.

Chibi Gara by Alicechan.

Gara and Kyo as rendered by the winner of TNT's art contest, Haley Anderson.

And my guilty pleasure pairing, Gara x Kyo by my good friend, Cass Trahan.

That's... well that's it for now. You'll have to wait til I get a proper camera. And there will be doll pictures... somewhere. But for another time. :)

tokyo in tulsa 2011, fan art, commissions

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