Tornados and a Case of the Dumbs

May 25, 2011 02:04

First, there were tornados in my area tonight and I'm posting to let you all know I'm okay, no damage, I'm fine, my dog is fine and my parents are fine.

That being said, it appears that I can not get away from doing stupid stuff at work.

They've been really stupid at work as of late and in my infinite wisdom, I forget that our mics on our head sets are really sensitive. A customer had an old box, that he'd installed himself and it wasn't getting signal and after fighting with it and finding that he'd installed himself and telling him that he'd need someone to come and properly install the box, I mouthed that he was an idiot. I'm not sure that he heard me, though I'm pretty sure he did, and after hemming and hawing and not wanting to deal with the service call or the cost he goes, "I guess I'm just an idiot then, thanks." and hangs up.

I pray they don't QA that call. x_x

In other news, RenFaire this weekend with Erica and her boyfriend. I haven't decided if I'm going to take my small doll with me or not and snap some more photos of him. Especially since I got his new outfit with his little lamb hat. He really does need a piercing in one of the ears. :3

weather, renfaire, dollfie, work

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