Who brought the popcorn?

Mar 05, 2009 18:25

Who: Marcus, Chelsea, James, Jody, and Rory
When: Thursday night
Where: Essex Mountain Sanatorium, hospital building

Marcus didn't get a lot of relaxation time. Running a compound of roughly sixty people was tough work, you see. But sometimes there was an evening set aside for relaxing with family.

He couldn't remember the last time he'd seen his sister and her family. Weeks? Months, probably. Happier times, anyway. It might have been his birthday, come to think of it. Whatever, they were coming over tonight, and it was going to be awesome. There would be movies and hanging out and stuff. Good times to be had by all. Just one person missing, but Marcus made a promise to himself to not dwell on that absence, it would only make him moody again.

There was a little lounge down the hall from their bedroom, a room with an old TV hooked up to a laptop with a single squashy couch against one wall. They didn't have a lot of resources here, after all, nor free time enough to warrant a big fun room. He did, however, have dreams of turning the auditorium into a movie theatre. He'd just need a screen and a projector...ah dreams.

He was in that little room, propping pillows here and there. Yeah, looked cozy enough.

Now just to wait for the others to show up.

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