Leadership and Nudity

Apr 02, 2009 14:58

Things to do on an average day at the compound:
-Molly and Chelsea time (very, very important)
-Touch base with those individuals in charge of perimeter security
-Delegate tasks for the day
--Tunnel digging
--Building restoration
--Food preparation
--Sending someone to town for news (on a rotation)
--Planning evening recreation
-Take a walk around the compound and check on all the projects
-Handle unexpected crisis
-Lend a hand to any projects that need help (A lazy leader is no one's friend)
-Make any necessary connections with contacts on the outside
-Meet with the pack, a debriefing of sorts, and discuss strategies and ideas
-Give inspirational pep-talks as needed
-Explode Find time for me...even if it's just five minutes in the shower.

Songs that express how I feel about my new leadership position.


Iced Earth - A Charge to Keep

I must believe that what's a memory now
Was the only way
To know that all of those you love
Were just stripped away
And now, if I'm the one to lead us
Into a brand new day
At peace I must be with the brutal truth
To truly lead the way

Please God give me the strength to lead
It's my charge to keep
Make the sorrow the fuel I need
It's my charge to keep

And now we must wipe the tears away
Gather up our inner strength
The loss of those we can't replace
Will bring about their fate
And though many lifetimes it will take
To bring justice on our way
We must never falter, we must never fail
This is our charge to keep

Please God give me the strength to lead
It's my charge to keep
Make the sorrow the fuel I need
It's my charge to keep

Bif Naked - Leader

Get offa me!
Away from me!
Get me outa here!
Don't follow me!
Don't bother me!
I'm no leader.

What's wrong with you?
I wash the dishes.
Walk to the post office.
I get some juice in my mouth.
I spit it out.
I spit it out.
I spit it out.
I spit it all over my clean shirt.
(it says "vail)

I'm not yours or anyone's.
I don't even own myself.
Why do you always watch me?
I just wanna be myself.

Get offa me!
Away from me!
Get me outa here!
Don't follow me!
Don't bother me!
I'm no leader.

You don't know me,
so don't touch me.
I'm not here to validate your behavior.
You need to stop.
You need to stop.
You need to stop talking so fast.
(I'm not interested in anything you have to say)

I wish you would crawl back up to the bar.
Tell it to your drink.
Tell it to your drink.
Tell her who you are.
Don't tell me.
Don't talk to me.
I want you to shut your mouth.

Get offa me!
Away from me!
Get me outa here!
Don't follow me!
Don't bother me!
I'm no leader.

I can not be your leader.
I can not be your leader.
Stop lookin at me.
Stop lookin at me.
Stop lookin at me.
Stop lookin at me.

I brush my teeth,
stop looking at me.
I park my car,
stop looking at me.
Get on the train,
stop looking at me.
I turn around,
you stop looking at me!

Bad Religion - New America

Do you know the cost of future misery?
Have you lost your sense of sustainability?
We are just a step away
From realizing what we strive to be
But weve got to break out
From this insulated, blind and lame senility
Wake up the new america wo-oh!
Transcend the mass hysteria wo-oh!
Change is the thing youre wary of wo-oh!
We need a new america wo-oh!
Laurels, human triumph
Bestowments from the past
Victories dont mean a thing
If they dont last
We are just marching toward extinction
With blinders on our eyes
Jeopardizing everything
Weve learned and come to realize
You call that wise?
Open your eyes america wo-oh!
See through the lies they tell to us wo-oh!
Confront the fears that worry us wo-oh!
We need a new america wo-oh!
We dont have to be afraid to re-invent
Weve got to start to build
Progress and implement
For when we take our fill
And never pay the price
We only build ourselves
A fleeting, false paradise
You can live in staunch denial
And mark me as your enemy
But Im just a voice among the throng
Who want a brighter destiny
They say with me
We are the new america wo-oh!
This is the new america? wo-oh

Like many mornings following a full moon run, Marcus woke up to the smell of pack. That was the first thing to break through the veil of sleep, the scent of family and safety. Next he felt the feeling of several naked bodies pressed against his. This was not a feeling the human half of him was comfortable with. The human half said "This is wrong, I want my mate." While the wolf half found comfort in the piled bodies around him.

He opened his eyes and squinted against the sunlight streaming in through the cave's entrance. He'd been slacking in his habits of late. When he lived alone, he would return to the site he'd left his clothing for the return shift. It was a survival thing. A single body in the cold of winter would die in minutes without clothing, but with a pack, that was different. Body heat was a remarkable thing.

He struggled to sit up, brushing a random arm off his shoulder. He extracted himself from the pile and made his way to the outside. Glancing back, he saw a massive pile of flesh, snoring quietly as a collective, entwined around each other, safe. The wolf longed to rejoin the others, but the human cared for only one bedmate.

The walk back up to the building was cold without anything on, but he didn't mind. After the heat of the den, it was a bit of a relief. And should anyone see him? Who cares? He'd long since stopped caring about modesty. He was more comfortable this way. Clothing was something he wore to get along with society.

The halls of the Staff Building were silent as he padded up on bare feet to his room. When he cracked open the door and peeked inside, a differen scent washed over him. While the pack meant physical safety, his mate meant emotional stability. Marcus was a very guarded person, he had dozens of shields put up between his real self and everyone else. Alone with her, he was a completely different person. He laughed more, got silly, completely relaxed. Outside this room, people saw him as cold, stubborn, unfeeling, boring. Inside? Emotions ruled.

He tiptoed to the bed and crawled onto it, smelling the fragrence of her, radiating off her sleeping body in intoxicating waves. He crawled over her body and lay down beside her, arms and legs draping over her body. He lay his head on her shoulder and closed his eyes. He could feel all the acts melting away. His body relaxed, shoulders losing their tension, as he melted into the bed.

Here, with her, he could bare it all.


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