I have to audition for the school production tomorrow.
I was so incredibly nervous about the singing- I can't sing for peanuts. My singing voice truly is terrible, out of tune and just plain sounds bad. But, I was reassured by the fact that we could just sing 'Twinkle Twinkle Little Star' if we wanted, and a lot of people were doing that- so I'm doing that too. I'm not too worried about the singing anymore, but I just hope I don't freeze up. :(
The more important thing is the monologue. And I think I found a good one, finally! I was originally going to do Mary's letter from the end of SH2, but I decided against it- I couldn't quite pull it off. Then I considered the opening of My Big Fat Greek Wedding (I'm Greek, it's Greek, it works) but also decided against it- not emotional enough. Flipped through my copy of Alice and Wonderland and found several, and there's one I really do like- but I found two much better ones.
I can't believe I didn't think of them earlier. The 'hallway conversation' from SH2, and Eddie's crazy outburst before you fight him (also in SH2). Both would be great fun, and I think I can pull them off well. I'm heavily leaning towards Mary's, at the moment. I think I'll do that one, actually. Wish me luck!