i can haz karmal apple!

Sep 12, 2007 16:28

One large Honey Crisp and one T. Marzetti low-fat caramel apple dip in portion-controlled serving cup = 4 WW points! Sweet!

lol, do NOT think you can control yourself if you use the big dish of this wonderful caramel stuff!

And the diet update is: still losing and not so very unhappy about it. I gots new cloz! (Yea! It's fall, I can shop!)

OK, I have been really, really busy and haven't posted in far too long. For those who follow such things around LJ, I took the George RR Martin character quiz, and it said I was Bran. I like to think I'm much more like Daenerys, though.

State-of-the-mind-address: a little wiggly today. Want to adhd right outta here. I'm sorta tired of the "let's get T, she can do it all" approach to work this week. Started with my department. I discovered that if I didn't call a meeting, initiatives that I was ONLY a member of (not the leader! not the leader!) just didn't happen. And we all looked stoopid. Dammit. I hate looking stoopid.

And I hate having to run to my boss for help. Please, boss-lady, tell them I can't write any more docs! I can't have any more goals! I really am terminally curious, and along with wanting to know it all comes the desire to tell it all ... I am writer, hear me roar! Or type. Or something.

Today's email of the day (and I quote):

my boss says ==>T can't do them all,
development manager replies What!?!?!?!? I thought she could do that *and* solve world hunger at the same time ;-)
my boss says ==>Our hope is that a resource in Sweden can be assigned to some of the docs,
development manager replies Since I have now acknowledged that T is not super-human, getting some help will be great.

To which I reply with a quip about the fact that I did, indeed, take a grad level food engineering class about the very problem of solving world hunger. True.)

Reading: Renegade's Magic, Robin Hobb. OMG, so very good!!! I (almost) want to go to the gym tonight so I can tread on the elliptical for an hour and read more!

Exercise plan: we may do the Y's latest little 'exercise carrot' -- if you sign up to count 'activity points' and can amass 5000 of 'em over three weeks, you get a Tshirt. I have one Y Lazy Man's triathlon Tshirt (muneraven has two) and we're kinda thinking this would be a good thing. Heck, you get to count going up/down stairs! I could even get a new pedometer out of the project ... 

diet, exercise, adhd, personal growth, book review

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