
Feb 14, 2012 13:50

There's finally come the point where I'm just sick of it!!!! Yes, it's a compliment - and I'm sure that in twenty five years, I'll be delighted but now it's getting tiresome and annoying!

I don't care that I have a baby face Missus sales woman - I am old enough to buy cigarettes, guess what!? I'm older than you!!!

I am never going shopping for my mother again, I don't care if she's crawling up the walls she wants a glass of wine that much - I've had enough! The woman - excuse me, wrinkley old bat with the dyed red hair and too much make-up - looked at my passport, snorted and walked away with it to consult with other members of staff to determine if it really was me!

I didn't get this much bother when I spent a summer in the States when I turned 21, not even in Vegas did I get ID'd --

So this has been happening quite a lot recently which is why I'm ranting... Some man in my local asking how I was getting served I couldn't be more than 15... Chatting up (attempting to) some guy in my local another night and he asks how old I am cause he's not a pervert! Glad to know mate... Some woman buying alcohol in the shop I used to work in asking me for ID cause was I really old enough to sell it!

But yesterday, yesterday had to have been the best! I was wondering down the road towards my house, just off the bus from college and this group of teenagers boys were walking towards me. It's mid-term break here, so they're off school.
"I don't know her," "Do you know her?" "Maybe she didn't go to DNS..."
No, wait - I did! Like ten years ago...
So then one of the little boys turned and shouted -- "Wanna suck his knob for Valentines Day? You'll enjoy it..." "She's probably never done it before..."
Hmmm, and you're all probably hopefully virgins! And amazingly I have done it but NEVER to a child! I like my men grown up, older than me even!

I can't wait for my first wrinkles....

age, friends, rambling, rant

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