
Jan 28, 2012 18:14

Hmmmm... I'm at a loss...
I just can't seem to get my head around this site - I'm betting it's not complicated at all but me and technology don't get along too well. Yes I am that person who prefares to talk to a someone face to face rather than call... And don't me started on texting... Or skpye, that just freaks me out... I much perfare going round for a cuppa and a smoke and having a chat... So sue me - I like doing this old school...

But here's the thing, I wanna make friends with similar interests and yes, my friends do put up with me (some more than others) but really only one of them will actively listen to me while I go on and on and on about Merlin or Trueblood or some other such thing! They're just not as into it as I am... They think these characters are fictional, which granted they are, but they're alive in my head!!!

I tend to ramble and talk a lot of nonsense but there you go...

So I'm trying to get back into writing and improve at it... I'm quite happy with my slow progress and my beta has been a God send however I appear to be having a bit of writers block at the minute - though I think that may be because my beta is MIA... I'm stuck on chaper 12 of my Merlin fic, I have 13 almost finished (the finale) but I can't seem to get 12 out... I think maybe cause it's a bit of a filler chapter, the plots happened and now... I dont know how to move it along to the last chapter...

merlin, beta, true blood, friends, rambling, writers block

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