(no subject)

Nov 12, 2012 13:24

--I can't decide how I feel about bananabread... I'm on my second slice, and I have no idea if I like it or not - it's causing strange things to happen in my mouth, and I don't know if they are pleasant or not. Only got half a slice left, I don't think I'll figure it out, but well mam made a loaf so I guess I can have more later when I get home! :)

-- I'm trying not to be angry but my boyfriend is such a fucktard sometimes! I think though that I'm just being a grumpy shit (it's been known to happen).

--Had an exam this morning - usually I'm crap at any form of maths but I think it went well... *fingers-crossed* There was only one Standard Deviation question and one Half Life question - I was not impressed!!

--All the artwork for merlinreversebb was fantastic but nothing bit me =( so I won't be taking part! I'm sad about this, but if inspiration doesn't strike then... What can you do?

--Bananabread finished and still no closer to deciding if I should ever eat it again...

--This is gonna be short, because while I did enjoy the episode I don't have a lot to say about it *gasp* *shock* *horror* I know... Me with not a lot to say, it's like Alan Carr being butch. =)

--First off - woo! There was so much going on, I mean the knights had lines (they weren't just standing around looking pretty), Gaius was in it, Gwen was in it for more than a second, Morgana was in it, Arthur was in it, Merlin was in it - the whole cast was basically in it and they were all doing things!!! Sadly no Mordred but... He'll be back next week!

---Well done to Angel, fine acting milady, fine acting! I'm very proud of you, you weren't just walking around with your boobs hanging out and asking Arthur if he was sure he should leave the castle *yawn*

-- YAY! So they do sleep in the same bed, questions answered. And didn't they just look so cosy!! I WANT TO BE HER!!!!!!!!!!!


--Also, mandrake root stuff = scary. Poor Gwen but... Well, Elyan laughed at her.

Arthur laughed at her...

And Merlin... barked at her???

Subliminal / subconsious messages about Gwen's feelings about her husband fucking his manservant??

Morgana being chained in a cave or whatever it was for two years. I read this in an interview, and Katie said that Morgana wants to get back at Arthur for imprisioning her... When did this happen?! She escaped Camelot at the end of Season 4 and Aithusa saved her...

-- Lovely to see Morgana being clever and thinking things through for once. Not just waltzing in and throwing people around and going crazy when things don't go her way!

--What is it this Season with the freaking, frankly distrubing, looking creatures?!?!
First we had this (God it just makes me feel so uncomfortable)

Then Uther looking less than his best...

Yeah Okay, I know it's Morgana but she's freaky looking!!!

Then these 3 freaky ass bitches...

And now - this... this... THING! What's with the hairdo?!?! What's with the... I don't know, but what's with it?!?!

--Oh Gwaine! "I was dreaming of eating a cheese that tasted like apple pie!" I LOVE YOU!!!!!!!!!

-- Leon and Percy bonded moment! I was dreaming of something scary. Me too, and it was bad. So bad. And then this bad thing happened. That was bad but not as bad as the next bit. I tell you it was bad.

-- And, who saw that coming?!?! NO!!!!!! Of all people, you take the nicest person and *lipwobbles*

And finally (I knwo I said I didn't have much to say, clearly I was lying or I cna say a whole load of nothing which is most likely what this post is!!!)...

Interesting, no??

Okay, okay I promise this is the last bit!!
Elyan: "She's my sister!"
Percival: "She's our Queen!"
Leon: "She's our friend!"
Gwaine: "Damsel in distress!"
Merlin: "I made you a promise!"

IMO, a very good ep at looking at the dinamic between Arthur/Gwen, Gwen/Merlin, and Arthur/Merlin...

And that's all folks...

merlin season 5, katie, arthur you're face!!!, 5.06, gwaine you fucktard!!!, gaius, angel, freaky deeky creatures, gwen, elyan, percy, alllllllll theeeeeeeee preeeettties!, leon, exam, knights, maths, bradley, morgana, colin, banabread

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