The Dasir 5.05

Nov 04, 2012 14:30

Okay - so I had to take a while to process this episode. When the credits started rolling I was left sitting on the couch feeling like someone had ripped out my diaphragm and I was doing all I could to keep my lungs in my body and not have them fall out my ass. Gaius clawing at my thigh to try and get up onto my lap, and the ear-achingly loud music from Casualty startled me out of my haze. Got a glass of wine, and had a long think about what I thought...

-- MWHAHAHAHAHAHAHA - jealous!Merlin anyone?! I loved it!!! "Who's this little shit who has come in and is stealing my boyfriend?? (I'm never going to like him no matter how cute he is!!!"

Look at the jealous face on him!!!

-- Arthur/Gwen - just not feeling it at all, at all... Some lovely scenes between, and bless they are trying but Gwen you are competing with Merlin and MORDRED now, so tough luck bitch - your man's got his men!

-- Em, really..? Where did the rest of the knights go?? Your man (can't remember his name ATM) was right there!!! But only Gwaine and Elyan found him...???? But poor boys, all concussed and sore ♥ ♥

-- MWHAHAHAHAH - Knight hazing - loved it like I love tea and chocolate biscuits! Poor Mordred but he took it like a champ!!
"I trust your breeches are on inside out..." Oh Arthur baby! You know how to tickle me!!! ♥ ♥ why don't you help him turn his breeches inside out?? We'd all love it!!!

-- Also, I'm loving Percy's armour - even my mam asked last night what happened to his sleeves!

-- Fire side chats, oh boys! You're killing me!!!

Also Merlin, WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!?! Clearly he wants you in between those thighs - why else would he be lying like that?!?!

-- It killed me, it actually killed me, and frustrated me to no end. I'm just going to have to get used to the idea that there will be no reveal. But Kudo's to Colin for his fantastic acting, it was gut-wrenching, and heart-breaking, and soul-shattering, and... I've run out of bodily metaphors! Anyway, yes! That would have been the perfect time, alone in the woods when he's asking for your advice and really, I don't think he'd kill you on what he now knows to be sacred ground.

-- MERLIN WHY DO YOU KEEP MAKING TERRIBLE CHOICES?!!? Where has your humanity gone?? STOP LISTENING TOT HAT OVER-GROWN LIZARD!!!!!! He's terrible at giving cryptic advice!

-- I know why he did it, but oh god, it was just so hard to watch! I honestly think if Merlin had said "let magick reign in Camelot again" Arthur would have thought about it. He was looking for someone to make the decision for him again, he's knows he's only seen it used for bad. If someone would just show him... Anyway it's not going to happen.


I wanna talk about the new ship I boarded last night... ARTHUR/MORDRED!!!

OMG YEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEESSSSSSSSSSS! Come on boys, do it for me!!!!!!!!

I just... I just... *slap* Yeah, there goes my last ovary... Damn you Bradley James and your... I don't know what to call it. The Homoerotic Chemistry you create with every male member of the cast! I just know that Richard (cause he's really the slash!Dragon) and Tony are sitting somewhere with a bag of popcorn and strawberry bonbons, patting each other on the back and saying "we did well with him!"
I think I've figured out my feeling of NO NO NO NO NO when I see Merlin paired with anyone else, and Arthur, yeah, go fuck the entire castle -- YOU LOOK GOOD WITH EVERYONE -- it's becasue Bradley's the slashy!Unicorn with his stupid face, and stupid hair, and stupid bum!!!

Ahem, oh also... Loving Gwaine's love for Arthur!

Oh yes, back to Arthur/Mordred! Go have lovely babies! Mordred is such a little puppy ♥ ♥ But... Arthur will always be my man, and well, that little puppy kills my baby! So my love can only stretch so far...
I really want to know what they're going to do. How they're going to get it there... I mean, how do they go from this...

Top this...


Okay, and finally... I need everyone to tell me I'm being stupid, because while I was sitting there with my glass of wine an oiche seo chaithe thinking about what could possibly happen -- I had a thought, and they are dangerous things for me to have. I mean Arthur must do something horrific, but what could he do at this point? I mean it's not like Mordred doesn't know that Magick isn't allowed... Or whatever... And I ended up thinking of the actual legend (god help me) So basically, I need you all to tell me that there is no way that ARTHUR IS MORDRED'S DADDY... Arthur was too young/Mordred was too old when Mordred first came into it - right?? There's no way Arthur would've fucked a maid and Uther would've gotten rid of her or something - they're too close in age for that - aren't they?
Mordred was what 10, 11, 12?? Arthur was... I have no idea actually... Mordred cam into it in Season 1 - so Arthur was what 20, 21?!? Crown Prince age - whatever that is. I imagine it's 21, or even 18 so WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY to young to have a 10,11 year old child. Unless he was supposed to be 25, 26... See, I need to stop thinking...

Anyway, Arthur/Mordred fics anyone??

Oh, yes and it turns out I did love the episode! :)

merlin, your fucking face!!! arthur!!!!, sexxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxy men, braaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaadddddddddddddd, merlin season 5, new ships, buuuuums and hair!, why can't they all have sex?!?!, gwaine, knights, arthur, bradley james, these ships sail themselves

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