Goodbye Belladonna

Mar 26, 2020 19:26

A friend of mine from my Outland days died. From what I understand, they were in the hospital for the flu (not Covid-19), were discharged, and found unresponsive in their home yesterday. They were around my age, and left behind a daughter. When I first heard, I thought it might be suicide. They were genderfluid, and I know they sometimes struggled with body dysmorphia and depression. It's so sad to see another of that group gone. We've lost so many in the past few years.

My uncle Kenny messaged me to see how I'm doing. He said that this reminds him of the polio scares from when he was a kid in the '50s. Isn't it odd how that same generation is the one at highest risk for this? My county is still on lockdown and still no confirmed cases. Property crime seems to be down and people are being generally respectful of each other, giving everyone enough space at the grocery stores and gas stations. I have a feeling though that before this is over we'll have a callout. People can only stay inside with each other so long before tempers and resentments build up to a point of no return. If the virus doesn't kill anyone here, somebody fed up with the lockdown will.
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