Jul 19, 2006 00:25
Hmmm...how long has it been since I updated? A while. Well, yeah, nothing really to talk about.
This morning at about 5 I turned on the TV at an amazing point in time and caught the "Snakes On Planes" video with William Beckett, Travis McCoy, and a whole bunch of other people. Hearing Pete talk about it made me all excited, now I downloaded the video and everything. Very recommended. Also, check out the full soundtrack that comes out August 15th. Very good music on it, definitely buy it. I THINK the movie comes out on around the 18th of next month. Don't go by that..haha. Not completely sure.
Swallow a sigh to hide the fact that you'd rather be somewhere else.
Maybe they won't notice the fact that your eyes wander when you kiss.
I remember when I kissed you next to the Christmas tree, then I realized you were just in it for the lights.
Kick me in the head then ask how many fingers I see. I'm the kind that's into self torture,
the kind where you call to hear the ring
and hang up, or where you hit yourself
to feel the familiar.
It seems like you know you have the
ability to make me feel half my age.
I can't remember the last time I had a conversation with you that wasn't between old hangups
or occupied parking spaces (in my head).
Pull what you pulled on me back then.
Feels good to know you still don't care.
You serve the same purpose to me as a map. Unreliable. Paperthin.
At some times hard to read but always able to follow.
Side Note - - Technically yesterday was Vin Diesel's 39th birthday since it's about half past midnight right now. Go to www.vindiesel.hu and wish him a happy one anyways.