Oh god, my brain (part 2 of 2)

Mar 02, 2012 07:09

they went to the shelter to back up their fabricated claims of abuse, in the interests of preventing men from having access to the kids post-divorce.

Oh, and she sniveled about how unfair it was that women are allowed to callously (and, she claims, without any consequence whatsoever) damage their "unborn babies" via substance abuse, yet a man gets in trouble if he damages a "fetus" during an act of domestic violence. (See what she did there? She attempts to maximize the woman's offense against a "baby", then downgrades it to a "fetus" to try and minimize the man's offense. And wait, Barbara, didn't you say domestic violence is fabricated anyway?)

And then, as a rationale against giving women custody, she claimed that womens' "live-in boyfriends" will molest the children.

Just to finish it off, at the very end she claimed that misandry is rampant in all our institutions.

Almost all of the audience (other than our group and two law students) were drinking the Kay Koolaid right down, agreeing with all her obvious BS, clapping thunderously. Many stood up to share their tales of not getting custody of their kids. (I can only surmise, based on the fact that these guys were clearly dumb as bricks, that it was a very good thing that they didn't get custody.)

That was a really goddamn depressing experience. (Nim, your head would have exploded, seriously. There were moments when I was reduced to literally holding my breath so I didn't start screaming at her.)

feminism, parenting, going out, so stupid it burned

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