Oh god, my brain (part 1 of 2)

Mar 02, 2012 07:08

So a friend of mine says to me and a number of other people, "Barbara Kay is doing a lecture! Let's go crash it and stare at her in stony silence!" See, Barbara Kay is a woman seething with internalized misogyny, who writes about "gender issues" for a notoriously conservative paper (the National Post) and gets lauded by mens' organizations for all the woman-bashing she does on their behalf. She's like Canada's stupider, less attractive Ann Coulter.

Like the idiot I am, I and about ten other people say, "Sure, that sounds like fun!"

Having sat through the multi-hour lecture last night, I can now say that it was indeed fun, if your idea of fun involves poking your brain repeatedly with a fork, and losing any shriveled shreds of respect for humanity that you still retained.

This woman was spouting straight-up lies and utter bullshit, and the embittered crowd was eating it up. Her entire supporting data considered of anecdotes and storylines from movies (yes, really - she even said that it was a shame that Hollywood doesn't run the family courts).

She said flat-out that "single fathers make better parents than single mothers", that "if it has to be one or the other, a child growing toward adulthood needs a father more", that a mother is basically just a disposable nanny once breastfeeding has ended, etc.

And then she started getting REALLY ridiculous, pretty much claiming that domestic abuse is a myth, and womens' shelters are full of women who are not in fact abused, but

feminism, parenting, going out, so stupid it burned

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