Really well-said

Sep 24, 2010 15:58

In a post by Resist Racism (if you don't read her, you should - resist_racism) I came across this section, which I wanted to repost because it's just so damn clear and on point.

Ironically, white people have long accused people of color of making mountains out of molehills. Of exaggerating the harm that racism causes. Of seeing racism and persecution where none exists. And yet many whites misappropriate the language used to talk about racism and oppression. You know, reverse racism. Backlash. The white guy just can’t cut a break because of the “preferential gateway” given to minn-orr-it-teees. How white people are the only people without rights nowadays.


We’ve had this discussion multiple times before, but this type of rhetoric pops up only too often. Because the attack on privilege is so shocking that it is seen as a threat to civil rights and even to white people’s lives. When privileged people no longer have 100 percent of the pie but have to give a slice to others, they are losing everything. When their words are challenged, it is Free Speech! that is in jeopardy. When people of color insist on demanding total equality, it is seen as a loss of the way of life. When the President is a black man, we need to take back our country.

privilege, racism

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