Do not compare abortion to the Holocaust

Jun 11, 2010 21:31

I ranted about it on FB, but I'm mad enough to discuss it here as well. If somebody legitimately sees no difference between these two scenarios:
1) a tray of embryos being painlessly destroyed after being frozen in a freezer for a few years, and
2) a communal shower of people dying an agonizing death by being gassed, after being tortured and starved for months, seeing family members be brutally murdered, being separated from their parents/children, and other horrible suffering, then

they are fucking sociopaths that should be locked away from the rest of society.

I don't care if somebody doesn't like abortion or believes it's murder. In general, even people who think abortion is murder realize THERE'S A HUGE DIFFERENCE between even a 39-week fetus potentially suffering for a few minutes while it's killed, and a child being starved to death in a concentration camp.

Oh my fucking god, what is wrong with people that they can make that analogy? What is missing in their brains that allows them to trivialize an event like the Holocaust?

wtf, abortion

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