The Doggie Gaga Project: dogs dressed up like Lady Gaga.
How to make boypants from stretchy fabric. Includes free downloadable pattern, and instructions for other types of underthings too.
An Overview of Abortion in the United States: slides about who has them, why, when, and how. Great resource.
Let's talk about rape culture, specificially rape apologists.
45 Brilliant Examples of Photo Manipulation.
Shit My Kids Ruined. A blog detailing the destruction.
Women of color earn $0.53 for every $1 a white man earns: Census data reveals just how unequal things continue to be in Ontario.
le-squeaky, a terrible taxidermy abomination.
ldragoon, Zed from Zardoz.
thyme_rune, a picture taken by
cpneko of baby spiders! Twee little baby spiders.