I was Googling for gardening info and came across a discussion about sterilizing gardening soil before reusing it in containers. In the comments thread I came across
this comment, where an idiot actually invokes Hitler.
I think my comment to him on that thread adequately sums up my feelings on the matter. (Click the "show more comments" link to see it.)
But to go into more detail and with less civility:
I'm really sick of people throwing Hitler and Nazism around any time they don't like something or they think someone's an asshole. Any time somebody does that, I think they need a trip to the Museum of Tolerance, or to go watch Schindler's List, or go view Holocaust photographs for a few hours. They've forgotten what Hitler was really about. Hint: more than six million people died in horrific ways as a direct result of his actions. Stephen Harper*, Ben Stein**, and sterilizing garden soil don't have a fucking thing to do with Hitler, so don't make comparisons like that.
* Stephen Harper is Canada's current Prime Minister. He's a Conservative and there's valid reasons to worry about his ties to the Dominionist movement, but he's nowhere near Hitler's league. He's not responsible for a single death that we know of, much less the agent of more than six million. Harper hasn't set up ghettos, started programs of inhumane medical experiments, deliberately starved people to death, arranged for the mass gassing and extermination of "undesirables", or set up squads of soldiers whose explicit goal is to terrorize and kill. So STFU with the Hitler comparisons, people!
** Yes, somebody on
atheism recently compared Ben Stein to Hitler.