If you've had random/phantom Russians with cyrillic alphabet journals friending you, check this post:
http://nympholept.livejournal.com/tag/russian+bots In short, they're robots; one thing they do is crawl your journal looking for any addresses/info for you and others; the other thing they do is save your entries for reposting. If you friend them back, they will also save your FLocked entries. Do NOT friend them in return.
You should report them to lj abuse under the heading "other problems", and title your message "Russian bots". lj has been working on excluding them, and reporting them does actually get results.
You can
check here to see who has friended you recently. If there's names you don't recognize and they're not crossed out (a lot of Russian bot journals have been suspended over the past few weeks), check to see if they should be reported.