May 31, 2007 21:59
We've had a rental car for a few days but we've been busy doing errands. But yesterday we'd finished our errands and Frolic says, "Let's take Moo to the zoo!" Moo's never been to the zoo before, and he was VERY excited about the idea of going to the zoo and seeing all the animals. So of course Frolic and I were excited too. So we got ready and headed off to the zoo.
We arrived at the zoo, parked, and then Frolic said, "Wait, isn't it Wednesday? Don't you work tonight?" ...Yes. It was WEDNESDAY, the ONE SINGLE NIGHT A WEEK that I work. *beats head into wall* Not continuing into the zoo was not an option, since Moo was so excited. So I went to stand dismally in front of the TTC stop to catch the bus to take me to work, while Frolic and Moo went to the zoo. I was pretty crushed about missing Moo's first trip to the zoo.
The one bright spot is that the two dance instructors took pity on me and invited me out for coffee after the evening was over, which was nice. I don't hang out with people nearly enough, and almost never without Moo.