A "Take your Fandom to Work" rec !

May 16, 2011 01:44

 Hello everybody !

As usual, I'm reccing at ungodly hours, and it's really time I get my life rythm back XD

Tonight I'll talk about a fic that I enjoyed reading very very much a while ago, and that is part of that fabulous invention that is "Take Your Fandom To Work". If some of you are fic writer, I recommand you do this !

Another Arthur/Merlin Modern AU, because a winning team is a keeper...

Be Resigned, by frantic_allonsy  ; NC-17; 14 Parts; Lots of words
A/S : The first time Lt Arthur Pendragon properly met A1C Merlin Emrys, he was doing push-ups on the floor of the Fort Campbell weather station.
So, as you maybe can guess by the summary, this is an Air Force Modern AU. I have to admit I find the military world fascinating, but even if you don't, this fic is a jewel. It's a long, full of adventure, exciting path into a complicated romance, and it's multimedia !! (Since it's "take your fandom to work, the lovely writer added a lot of photos inside the story) I remember doing a sleepless night over this (and I couldn't sleep all day after that because I had to work !) and not regretting it at all !

character: morgana, type: work!au, author: frantic_allonsy, type: military!au, merlin, character: hunith, character: merlin, character: uther, pairing: arthur/merlin, character: arthur, rec: merlin, character: gwen, character: will, modern au

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