Morning rec...

May 15, 2011 06:37

 Rise and shine everybody !

I've spent my night reading (as most of my nights) and there's one fic I might put in my rec list later. Anyway...

I want thru a rec email I sent to a friend a while ago, and some of the fics are really worth a read ! Let's focus on two of them, Merlin/Arthur Modern AUs :

All Things Are Ours, by cassie_black12 ; PG-13; 3 Parts; 24k words
A/S : Wherein Arthur gets a new job, Morgana speaks Welsh, and Gwen introduces Merlin to the finer points of Facebook stalking!
This is one of the first Company!fic I ever read, and I remember it vividly. Morgana speaking Welsh especially. I love how Arthur is so very prattish by being so reluctent of being away from London, how Morgana is being incredibly clever about the whole situation, how Merlin is utterly and adorabely Merlin-esque and how Gwen, and Leon, and Lance are gorgeous.

Drastically Redefining Protocol, by ragepuckfrock; NC-17; 6 fics; 65k words
A/S : In which Prince Arthur meets Merlin and all hell promptly breaks lose.
Merlin works at a hospital and Arthur is The Prince of Wales. Slash ensues. More seriously, I think I'm once again hitting in the classics of the Merlin Modern AUs. This is a wonderful multimedia romance, with angst, and seriousness too. And, if you read the 5 ficlets that follows the big 45k main story, you'll get a view of a real, touching couple (even if it can be a bit disturbing, if you want a Walt Disney ending).

character: morgana, author: cassie_black12, author: ragepuckfrock, merlin, type: company!au, character: merlin, pairing: arthur/merlin, character: lancelot, type: royal!au, character: arthur, rec: merlin, character: gwen, modern au, character: leon, event: wedding

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