Hi, author! First of all, thanks so much for writing me a story! I'm super excited, whatever fandom or direction you end up going for. Hopefully something in here will be at least somewhat helpful for you.
In general, I enjoy all kinds of pairings--slash, het, femslash, poly, whatever--and gen, and I'm okay with pretty much any level of sexual explicitness you feel like writing. Things I tend to like include AUs and fusions of all varieties, happy endings (or vague but not unhappy endings), people being considerate of each other, people discovering things about each other, and fun dialogue. Things I tend to dislike include dark or angsty endings, character bashing, and non-con.
In terms of specific fandoms:
In the sign-up I said:
"I'd really like something about Marlene, and her life either at or away from the racetrack. Whether this means her take on events in the movie, or what she's doing during those big time skips, or what she does in an alternate universe, I'd just like more Marlene."
I really enjoyed Marlene in the movie--she doesn't get a lot of scenes, but the one she's in are really interesting to me, especially her first scene, where she's the one who wants Niki to drive a borrowed car like a race car driver on country roads in Italy. It struck me that, for someone who spends a lot of the movie worrying about the dangers of race car driving, she's got a bit of a reckless streak herself, you know? At any rate, I guess I don't have any specific ideas for what I'd want to see with Marlene other than the ones I came up with for the sign-ups. Oh, I just thought of an idea, but feel free to ignore it--what would Marlene do in the universe where Rush takes place in outer space? Okay, that's just me indulging my love of AUs, but seriously, I'd be 100% psyched for canon fic, too. In terms of pairings, obviously Marlene/Niki would be amazing, but if you wanted to do James/Marlene/Niki or Marlene/Suzy, I'd totally be into it.
In the sign-up I said:
"I've always been very curious about what Philippe's post-movie life might have been like. After helping break the curse, where does he go from there?"
This is something I've always wondered about--where does a pickpocket who starts the movie facing execution go once he's helped totally upend the government of the city he starts from and rescue the former Captain of the Guard from a curse? Does he keep picking pockets, or join the Church, or does Navarre get him a job with the Guard or on his estate, or what? Inquiring minds want to know! (Or, mine does, anyway.) I'd be cool with gen, or whatever pairing(s) you wanted to do, I just really want to know about Philippe's post-movie fate.
In the sign-up I said:
"I would love some pre-show Lena/Stef, whether that's about how they first got together, or what it was like making it work with Brandon after Stef got divorced, or the early days when they took in Jesus and Mariana. Or alternately, a present-day story about them being an adorable family would be awesome, too."
Lena and Stef are my favorite part of The Fosters, and I would love to see more about how their relationship works. For two people who are so different, and who occasionally have some communication issues, they're also such a nice, functional couple. I really want to see more about how they got to where they are. I loved the flashbacks the show gave us, but they were kind of tantalizing in their briefness. What happened in between their first meeting at the school and Stef telling Lena that she came out--like, how did all that coming out go for Stef? What did Lena think when she and Stef first got involved? And what was that conversation like when they first decided to take in Jesus and Mariana? There's just so much possibility in there!
In the sign-up I said:
"Danielle and Henry are an awesome couple, but I would love to read something that's about her relationships with the other important people in her life, whether that's a pre-movie story about her life with her stepmother, stepsisters, and the servants on the estate, or a story about her friendship with Gustave, or a post-movie story about her developing friendship with Jacqueline, or maybe even a story about how she got the King and Queen to accept her as a daughter-in-law."
I really love Danielle's makeshift family in Ever After, how hard they try to take care of each other and the estate Danielle's father left behind. Clearly, Danielle grew up to be a pretty awesome person, and Paulette, Louise, and Maurice, as the people who raised her after her father died and probably did a fair bit of it before when her father was traveling, must have had something to do with it, right? But at the same time, there's something of a class barrier there, since she's still (at least as far as they're concerned) the rightful heir to the estate where they work, and I find that really interesting. I'm also interested in how and she and Gustave kept their friendship going through all the travails of the intervening years between the prologue and the time of the movie, and what relations were like between Jacqueline and Marguerite and Danielle as they all grew up. All this makes it sound like I super want a pre-movie story, and that would be awesome, but I'd be just as happy with a story that takes place during or after the movie, I'd just kind of like a gen or Danielle/Henry story that talked about these other important relationships in Danielle's life.
Anyway, I hope all this rambling has been at least a little helpful. If you have an idea for one or more of these fandoms that really doesn't have anything to do with what I've written here, go for it! I'm really looking forward to see what you come up with, and I hope writing is at least as fun as anticipating it is.
Thanks again, and best wishes,
Tam Cranver