Network problems, part 2

Sep 05, 2004 10:23

OK, who out there knows (I mean knows) about Windows XP LANs? I've narrowed the problem down I think to laptop 2. Basically, I think the tcp/ip stack isn't running, and there seems to be no way to enable it manually (it is installed and the ticky box is ticky boxed). It can't ping itself, and using net view gives me both System errors 5 (for the hostname) and 53 (for the IP). MS isn't helpful on this (well I didn't find anything useful on their site). I tried poking around a bit using netsh but that did bugger all.

IP addresses and workgroup names are matched up properly between the machines AFAIK (laptop 1: laptop 2: , neither can ping the other, and laptop 2 refuses to access the workgroup. Laptop 1 is fine, can ping itself and see laptop 2 on the workgroup but not access it. Firewalls are disabled. So, routing or file permissions perhaps (file sharing is enabled on both machines as far as I can see)? Do I need to play with the lmhosts file, or share names? As far as I can see I shouldn't, but maybe I don't know everything *g*.

The hardware is known to be good - ethernet through a hub, laptop 1 connects to the net via USB/ADSL modem. All I want to do is transfer some files between the machines. Anyone got any ideas at all?

ADDENDUM: Just thought to try a loopback ping (D'oh!) on laptop 2 ( which worked fine.
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