How can one be so low so loathsome so full of self-hate? All paths leading into a darkness of one kind or another. There is no hope only despair, suffocating and engulfing all. Dying in small ways emotionally, physically, spiritually. Two steps forward leads to being drug roughly over broken glass and rusty metal back further and further. Still
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If you sense some irritation or irate ness at the fact you swing by drunk post and leave like some super hero where we all should be amazed at your wisdom and how easy it is to fix life’s problems. I really like the pat on the back you gave yourself like your some super Dr.Phil and my life is alllll better.
When you say you can’t help trying to help people fix themselves I think you are more right than you meant to be or so at the time.
You can’t help anybody by trying to help like this. It has come off as condescending and arrogant. Like I said I am going through REAL pain REAL emotion and REAL issues. So save the Santa-Phil treatment of laying out your magic helping wisdom/candy and come back when you have something constructive as a friend and not to buff your own delusions of uber-guruism
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