When Art Attacks

Feb 10, 2008 04:04

I finally got around to taking a couple of different shots of the Feathered Firespitter. It wasn't easy, on account of they keep me so busy at school that I'm usually never home during daylight. So instead I towed him around with me for the day. ^_~

Feathered Firespitter collage

I tried to get him in good lighting to capture the shine, but I don't know if I quite achieved it, so I just showed several different lightings and angles instead.

I actually located his half-finished sibling (he was originally part of a pair) last time I was home. Need to think of something fun to do with it...I'm thinking I won't give him feathers though. ^_^; Either battish wings or no wings. But it's way way way down on the queue so don't expect anything for a long time on that front (barring muse takeover).

Also: New fanart! This is a present for moonflames, for being a sweetheart and talking me down through a minor nervous breakdown. (the first of many, lol XD ). Thank you just for listening, and for giving me a good shake and pointing me back in the direction of sanity.

Haunting Me

It's fanart for her fanfic Nothing at All, based on a scene in chapter 2. I actually finished it like a couple of weeks ago, but I felt like the timing was inappropriate. Er, also, I wanted to get that collage up on DeviantArt first so it'd be next to the other Firespitter image. ^_^;;

I also have a very bad habit of sitting on my art. By which I mean I'll nearly finish something, or sometimes even totally finish, and then I'll just...hang onto it for awhile. A long while. Sometimes I'm waiting to see if it needs any last changes, sometimes I'm pacing out my deviantart submissions, sometimes it's presents (got another present right now that can't be posted yet) and sometimes I'm just waiting for something in my head to go "Now's a good time." (Of course, sometimes it's the art ADD and I just can't refocus on it).

You've probably noticed by now that I do this with my fanfiction, but it is perhaps less known that I do this with ALL my art. A lot. In fact, after I announced my writing resolution last month, in accordance with the perverse nature of my muse, she immediately threw all her weight in the opposite direction and I've been drawing and felting like mad (done some writing too, but it's not presentable at the moment). I'm sitting on a LOT of art right now. And yes, some of it is Sess/Kag. No, it probably won't be ready for awhile. I'm evil like that. >:D I'm even more evil for telling you about it. Muahahaha!

I hope to have some other new stuff up soon though. The workload is still intense here, but I seem to have finally gotten the SAD [Seasonal Affective Disorder] under control, and that just makes everything better. Hard enough to balance two research labs, taking classes, and teaching classes, without being a bit of a headcase at the same time (arguably, I'm always a little crazy, but it's mostly a good crazy. ^_~ This was not a good crazy.).

Oh, and speaking of crazy, let me tell you about my students!

I have to share this. So I spent all day today grading homework and quizzes for one of my sections. Grading for this class is two parts boredom, two parts tedium, and one part entertaining hijinks. The answers they give. Oh ye gods, the answers.

I had one student completely make up four words on their quiz. Not put down the wrong term for the part, made up terms. Considering this is anatomical terminology, the odds of guessing a twelve-letter word entirely at random is, I must say, quite slim. But they tried their darndest!

And then, my favorite quiz: I pick it up and glance at it. Pause. Look at it again. Slowly one eyebrow rose.

'Did this student take MY quiz?' I said to myself. Closer perusal revealed that there were a few correct answers (by which I mean six out of twenty), so yes, it apparently was my quiz they took. And I shouldn't laugh--I shouldn't!--but I couldn't help it, not with such gems as:

My question: What bones make up the wrist? (Correct answer is carpals)
Their answer: Femur and humerus.


Also, the term "sternal end" appeared several times. They seemed to feel it was a good fallback answer.

Seriously, I love my students but I think...I think they're all high or something. o.o

sess/kag, dragon, art, fanart, sculpture

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