Apr 01, 2009 22:40
Well! Today goes on my list of Amanda's Exciting Adventures Without Sleep! However I think it was a good day overall. Needless to say I did not go to bed, unless you count that half hour of 'sleep mode' where I turned off for a few minutes, then popped to full wakefulness instantly due to extraordinary blood/caffeine levels. I suspect that my good mood all day was due to the phenomenal amount of caffeine in me. I wasn't tired at all! And I found everything (including the stupidity of getting myself into this mess) to be deleriously funny. And, I was very talky.
But, I think the presentation went well overall. At least people said they liked it--that I went a little fast (I was pretty thoroughly jived) but it was a fun talk. So yay! And now I need to make sure I NEVER DO THAT TO MYSELF AGAIN. It was entirely my own fault. *sighs* I mixed up the dates. Every grad student has to give a seminar presentation on their research, and I thought mine was in two weeks. "Oh hey," said I last night, on a whim, "maybe I should go to the seminar tomorrow, since I'll be presenting soon. I wonder who is talking? Lets check the email."
...Annnnd that's pretty much how it went down. Yeah. Epic fail on my part. The frightening part is I haven't gone or checked the speaker list email in...like...months. It was entirely a whim that I checked last night. A complete fluke. I ALMOST DIDN'T KNOW AT ALL. My coworker commented later in the day that he had a pic to put up on failblog, to which I responded, "Is it of me?"
But anyway, thank you all for your support. Your encouraging comments helped me get through a very...very...very long night. :)
daily life,