Title: Alive
Tagline: How a frustrated fan tries to rewrite a botched end of episode 3x03
Author: TalliW
Pairings: Nick/Jenny
Rating: K
Spoilers: S3.3
Disclaimer: Primeval are the property of Impossible Pictures. I write just for fun.
Acknowledgments: Thanks to Fredbassett for beta-reading. I couldn't have done it without you.
His eyelids flickered and he heard a suppressed sob.
Bright light blinded his eyes and pain shot through his chest.
White walls around him and the smell of hospital. A figure hunched beside him on a chair.
"Claudia Brown," he whispered.
The woman lifted her head and smiled. "You're alive," she said and gently touched his cheek, her eyes still glistening with unshed tears.
He smiled back and wetted his dry lips. "So it seems. For a moment I wasn't sure. But I don't think heaven would smell of disinfectant."
Her hand glided tenderly through his hair, pushing a strand behind his ear.
"We thought we'd lost you. Without Lester's attempt at resuscitation we would have done."
Nick enjoyed her touch and was disappointed when she suddenly pulled back, a serious expression on her face.
He wanted to see her smile again.
"Don't tell me Lester tried mouth-to-mouth on me," he joked.
A faint smile returned. "Actually it was Connor."
"Then I'm glad I can't remember it."
She put her hand on his right hand laying on the hospital bed. His thumb caressed the silken skin on her fingers as he looked into her eyes.
Nick moved his hand until their palms touched and closed his fingers around hers.
"I loved Claudia Brown," he told her softly.
Her sad smile showed her pain.
"I know, Nick. You don't have to explain yourself. I understand."
"There's a part of her in you."
Jenny closed her eyes in defeat.
"But I think I'm also falling in love with the part that's unique you, Jenny Lewis."
He watched as her eyes opened again and one single tear escaped, sliding slowly down her cheek.
Nick wished he could stand up and kiss the tear away.
"Do you know the saying:'Kisses have a healing power'?" he asked and got lost in the sparkling of her eyes.
His heart throbbed quicker as she bowed over him and fluttered a kiss on his right cheek.
"I had hoped the kiss would be more placed in the middle, Jenny Lewis."
Jenny smirked and gave him a kiss on the nose.
"You're a tease, Jenny Lewis, and you can be glad I'm bound to the bed right now."
Finally she kissed his mouth and his tongue flickered over her lips. But she draw back before he could deepen the kiss.
"Abby and Connor want to visit you and Lester is outside too, wearing a hole in the floor with his pacing. I'll come back later."
"See that you do, Jenny Lewis. You know this special therapy isn't finished on one session. You have to kiss me more than this, you know."
The woman gave him a wicked smile. "Get better soon, Nick, and I'll do a good deal more than kiss you."
Nick Cutter grinned as she left the room and Connor shuffled in.
He was alive and that felt fucking good.