World of Madness Part 3

Feb 22, 2014 20:27

Title: World of Madness Part 3
Author: TalliW
Pairings: Lester, Cutter, Danny, Connor, Helen
Rating: MA
Disclaimer: Primeval is the property of Impossible Pictures. I write just for fun.
Acknowledgments: Thanks to the wonderful Fredbassett for beta-reading.
Warnings: non-con/dub-con

It's been a long time since I posted the first two chapters. You can read them here:
Part 1
Part 2

Cutter didn't come back that night but Lester was so anxious he barely slept.

He was woken up by a gently hand stroking his cheek and the smell of coffee.

"Breakfast in bed," Cutter announced cheerfully. "Aren't I nice to you?"

Lester remained silent and waited what was coming next. The events of the previous day had shaken him up pretty badly and he wasn't sure what dirty tricks Cutter had planned this time.

He glanced briefly at the tray beside him on the bed as he sat up and tried to ignore his hunger. He hadn't had anything to eat since Cutter had brought him here. Some water from the bathroom had helped to dull the pain in his empty stomach.  But now the smell of coffee and toast called to him strongly.

Only the last shreds of dignity he owned prevented him from giving in to his body's demands and lunging at the offered breakfast. He stared straight ahead with a stony expression, avoiding looking at Cutter altogether.

Suddenly the bed dipped on the other side and Cutter sat down beside him, only separated from him by the tray of food.

"Come on, start eating. It's really good."

Lester didn't move.

"Or do you want to be fed? I'm not opposed to this idea, in fact I think I would enjoy it. I'm just not sure you would like it, too." Cutter smirked good-naturedly.

Lester gulped and slowly turned to the tray. After observing the plates and cups on the tray he picked up a slice of toast and started chewing.

"Don't you want to put something on your toast? It can't taste good that dry. Wait, I’ll help you." Cutter snatched some toast and started to spread butter and jam on it.
"Here, that's better." He offered Lester the toast with a smile and waited patiently until Lester took it tentatively from his hand.

Lester didn't really taste anything he ate. He chewed and drank automatically, all the time thinking about what cruelty Cutter would inflict afterwards.

He knew he would throw up everything again if Cutter tried to force him into oral sex.

But Cutter didn't try anything. He just watched him with a faint smile on his lips long after Lester had finished breakfast.

Suddenly Cutter pulled something out of his trouser pocket and put it on the bed.

Lester eyed the thin red leather collar with attached leash with distaste. It would have been too good to be true that Cutter really would leave him alone for once.

"For having been such a good boy you deserve a reward. Want to go out for a stroll, James?" Cutter purred and Lester pondered for a moment if he would manage to wind the leash around Cutter’s neck and pull tight before Cutter could alert the guards.

As if Cutter sensed Lester's thought he stepped back from the bed.

"Don't even think about it. The guards are waiting outside. One wrong move and I'll ask them to teach you a lesson. I bet they’ve been keen to get their hands on your fine arse since you arrived. I saw them wanking off over the CCTV footage from the shower."

Lester shuddered at the thought that he'd been watched. He had assumed that Cutter at least had left him some privacy in the bathroom.

"The camera is turned on the moment I leave the room," Cutter told him matter of factly. "Just a precaution to prevent you from hurting yourself. When you’ve accepted your situation I’ll turn it off eventually.  So, have you decided to behave or shall I make the guards happy?"

Lester smiled a bitter smile. He knew when he stood no chance. Currently Cutter held all the aces. It would get him nowhere to antagonise Cutter further. Besides the thought of being given to the guards scared him more than anything. Cutter might be a psychotic bastard but in comparison to the guards he was the lesser evil.

"Good boy," Cutter said with satisfaction as Lester surrendered and offered Cutter easy access to his neck. "Now keep still."

Lester's Adam's apple bobbed uncontrollably as the leather collar closed tight around his neck. Otherwise he stayed completely still until Cutter had fastened the collar.

Pleased, Cutter petted Lester's head like he would a dog before he pulled gently on the leash.

Without resistance Lester raised up and followed Cutter out of the former lab that had now turned into Lester's own private hell.

Like a pet he was led along the corridor and finally out in the atrium. Forcing himself not to show too much interest in his surroundings Lester kept his head down. But he still noticed enough to feel sick at the changes the building had undergone. The ADD had been removed. The various desks had been replaced by a fountain surrounded by settees. Half of them were currently occupied by Helen's minions and at their feet knelt an unfortunate soul who had openly opposed Helen and then proven resistant to her mind manipulator.

The bodies of all of them bore signs of torture and severe abuse. Lester was glad he didn't recognize anyone.

Carefully so as not to draw attention to themselves a few of the other slaves eyed him up, although most of them just stared ahead with empty eyes. A young girl was curled up into a ball and was apparently on the brink of death.

Lester forced himself to look away as she reached out her hand to them in a last desperate attempt to ask for help. He was in no position to help her and Cutter didn't care. If anything, Cutter would have stepped on the girl’s hand if Lester hadn't swayed slightly to the side to prevent that from happening.

Cutter didn't comment on Lester's action, he only gripped the leash a tad firmer.

When they rounded the fountain, a woman growled at them like a dog, her eyes glittering with madness. She received a kick in the ribs for her behaviour by Cutter and her owner, a corpulent middle-aged man in a cheap suit that cried out accountant.

Suddenly a man, dragging a half-starved boy on a choke collar behind him, headed towards them to exchange greetings with Cutter. Lester's heart skipped a bit as he realized that the boy the stranger was leading was actually the former geek, Connor Temple. The boy was so undernourished he could barely stand upright.

It took all of Lester's effort not to lunge at the man Cutter had called Danny Quinn as he almost choked Connor just for fun. Only Connor's gasped plea not to risk punishment for both of them held him back.

Quinn grinned and petted Connor's head proudly whilst he grazed Lester with a look that made Lester's blood run cold.

"It seems your pet needs to be taught some manners, guv. I will gladly assist you if you have trouble with him."

"Mr. Quinn," Cutter said with a growl. "I can take care of my pet myself. You would do well to keep out of my business."

Quinn, realising he had overstepped the line started to placate Cutter.

Lester used the moment of their inattention to focus on Connor.

In close up Connor was in even worse condition than Lester had thought. It was a wonder the boy was still alive. There was barely a part of unblemished skin left on Connor's front. On his chest he wore signs of heavy flogging. His arms and legs were adorned with cuts and bruises of various sizes. Even Connor's feet showed evidence of mistreatment. Someone must have ground out cigarettes on them.

Lester had planned to say some encouraging words to the boy but realised how pointless it would be. They all had underestimated Connor Temple. Connor didn't need empty phrases. He was a fighter. He would bend but not break.

So Lester said simply, "Hang in there."

"You too," Connor, still gasping for breath whispered in answer.  "Jenny was able to escape injured. Becker hasn't been caught yet, either. Have you heard of Abby?"

Blood trickled down Connor's neck as he spoke and with horror Lester noted that Connor's collar was in fact a mix between a prong and a choke collar with inward protruding spikes.

He looked into Connor's hopeful eyes and debated with himself if he should tell Connor what he had heard about Abby Maitland whilst jailed.

"She's been turned," he finally answered in a clipped voice.

A smile formed on Connor's cracked lips. "That's good. Then she's safe."

Lester forced a smile onto his face, not having the heart to tell Connor to what for a monster Abby had turned. Instead he shared the titbit of information he had heard about turned people who had recovered.

When Quinn led Connor away the boy had a small bounce in his step. Bile rose up in Lester's throat and he prayed that Connor never would come to know the truth about the extend of his omission.

"Wasn't that fun?" Cutter asked cheerfully as he led Lester back into his room.

"What? Being paraded around like a dog on a leash or meeting all the cheerful people in the same predicament? Let's not forget the happy reunion with Connor who's been so mistreated that he's on the edge of starvation."

Cutter's eyes narrowed slightly. "So you don't like your collar? Shall I switch it to the one Connor was wearing?"

Lester was shoved towards the bed and prepared himself for the sexual assault that would immediately follow.

To his immense relief Cutter left the room with a huff. When the door fell shut with a loud bang, Lester rolled up into a ball on the bed and gave in to his despair.

danny quinn, james lester, nick cutter, primeval, author:talliw, connor temple

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