Apr 02, 2009 12:12
So the internet nazis here at work are cracking down on bandwidth usage. Which means for me, no more streaming radio and definately no more watching TV online. Suck. If I don't bring a dvd to work now, the day will drag! I have a book today, but about an hour into reading it, I started to feel sleepy. I had to close my eyes and sit quietly and everything! GAH! I wish they'd give me some work to do. And I need to remember to bring my little radio from home.
On another note, the cabinets arrive next week. Tonight we have to go purchase the dishwasher, the microwave/hood, the paint, the floors, the sink, the faucet, and anything else we might need. I'm excited that it will finally be done! I am not so excited for my kitchen to be unuseable for a week. That's not so fun. Ah well.
Oh, I am going to kill Harley. I bought a new cover for the loveseat that she tore up. Well, we were able to find a new loveseat (well new to us) on Craigslist and the cover fit it just fine. In her path of destruction last night, she chewed a hole in it! It was like $60! So, she can't be trusted at all. And, she got into more of Jeff's stuff. If she's not actively being watched, she's going to be in the crate. Ug.