As not a lot is going on/has gone on, we're going to focus on looking back at some more 360 entries today.
Saturday 5 August 2006 - 08:30PM (BST)
I want pills...
...that make this happen! Awesome!
Another day gone and another day wasted. It was good to see friends, but work ate up too much time. It's now getting on and I'm not sure what to do with myself! Hmm. Well, whatever happens I'm looking forward to a lie in tomorrow - I've not had one for over a week!
Sleeping is great. But, I went through a period at college (ah! college!) when I thought it was time wasted. So I spent about 6 months on 4 hours sleep a night. Something I'm not going to repeat. Unless work make up more new rules - like the dynamite ideas they've been having of late...
Okay - let's see if the next entry can be a little more positive eh?
Monday 7 August 2006 - 09:26PM (BST)
The future is *now*
Work still sucks, but not as much as my Neo Geo rocks!
Behold - Ninja Commando!
I really need to do a proper blog entry soon. I mean, it's not like I've gone off the idea or anything. Just too many good games that need playing and with it being so hot, sitting about on the computer and typing out loads is a lot of effort.
Well compared to 'press any button repeatedly' - there's some top class entertainment right there!
Man, Ninja Commando rocks! I'll need to dust that off and give it a whirl again. Awesome!Tuesday 8 August 2006 - 08:38PM (BST)
Character Select!
Threw this together, sort of a 'haloween' for the KoFs! Enjoy!
I've been enjoying the 'Star Trek Animated Series'; it's brilliant! Thanks ST for the series on loan!
Everyone needs an army of GIANT Spocks to rule the galaxy! What a great plan. Almost as good as the plan Stalin had to breed an army of half man/half ape warriors.
I said almost...
Heh - army of giant Spocks! Awesome! That sprite edit is a lot of fun too. Ripped Kula vs. Devil Mary! Ripped Kula's hair lost a bit of the detail in transfer to jpeg format. Wednesday 9 August 2006 - 11:16PM (BST)
I am the terror, that flaps in the night...
I am the low ratings that cancel your program...
I am Darkwing Duck!
Lets get dangerous!
Tuesday 15 August 2006 - 07:37PM (BST)
Sticking it to the *MAN*
So, I've been busy again, this time empowered, Hulk-like, by my rage and desire to stick it to the *MAN*.
Sort of...
See, here in the UK you pretty much have to shop at a supermarket if you want to eat not-take away. Quite why I'm not sure. And when we're not at the Chinese supermarket, that leaves one of the big names. I won't entreat them to appear (along with their lawyers) by speaking their names. So you get to the till/checkout with your goods, and thus the deadly dance begins!
"Hello. Do you want a hand packing today?"
Do I crap if you're just going to shove it into a near splitting carrier-bag without much thought about how this bulging plastic sac is going to make the mile walk home, not counting the Jackie Chan reflexes-required dash across the car park which will place further undue strain on the failing strength of our taught bag! Well, that's what I want to say, but I stick with a simple and (usually unintentionally ) slightly rude 'no'.
"So. You wanna play with the big boys eh?"
Well, the cashier doesn't actually say that (at least not around here), but they sem to take the lack of interest in their packing skills, or lack thereof, personally. Then the shopping begins decending off the conveyor like the generation game on steroids! Sure, you can 'bloop' them that quick but they only go into a bag that quick if I pack like you retard. So then then the grand total is recited and a hand is extended.
If you make the mistake of paying them at this point you will find the next customer's items flying your way, and they will be rather irate at your inability to get out of their way.
I have started fighting the good fight! On several occasions now I have put my foot down and stuck it to the *MAN*, by refusing to pay until my shopping is fully packed.
But it doesn't end there. I've also started at the other side, by refusing to go forward with my basket until the first customer has finished. Now - I ask you! If you're stuck behind someone who's waiting for the first to finish packing, be patient! Unlike the 'bloop'-ing idiots that I have suffered recently.
Otherwise you will be suffering when the shopping of the next customer starts it's attack before you can withdraw. And you won't recieve any sympathy from me.
In other news - check out the cool map above! It's called the 'Kangnido' map, and is really old. It shows most of the world as the Koreans saw it, based on a compilation of older still maps. Even though China is far too big, you can see Europe, Africa etc. And all this whilst the rest of the world was eating dirt and stuff. Awesome! So, yeah, I've been looking at a lot of old maps and learning about them. Old maps are cool.
Our friend Darth Sarah came over on the weekend. And got addicted to Puzzle Bobble. It was great to see her again, we had a great time. We had an awesome roleplay game too; Aeon Trinity. I love the setting - a great mix of 'hard' and 'soft' sci-fi. Although we (I?) tend towards the 'soft' side; although that is only because it sits better with the camp atmosphere I'm going for with the game. So, yeah, when asked if Sarah's character, Berlaine the borderline sociopath, wants to do anything with her free hours she says yeah;
"I want to intimidate someone into giving me a manicure."
OMGWTFBBQ! I loved it! Sarah is great because she can and does both play the game deathly seriously and just does whatever she feels like. In character. Awesome.
Today we (me and my girl) got an invitation to our friend's wedding! Hurah for ST and Zoe Chang! If work won't give me the day off (which I highly suspect they won't, the *bloop* - thanks checkout girl -ing idiots), then I'm calling in sick.
Hurah for Weddings!
Oh, and we're all made of space-time. I've been reading 'New Scientist', a science magazine, which has this amazing revelation in it, which makes a great deal of sense. See - I've always had trouble getting my head around phsyics. See, you get atoms, then electrons etc., then quarks etc., getting smaller and smaller. Where does it end? Why does it end there? Well this (new) idea called 'Loop Quantum Theory' explains it all. I've got to check out some of the links in the magazine (I'd rather call it a comic.) to get my head around the whole thing, but when I do, I might try an 'idiots guide too', and maybe post it here.
Anyways, I'm off to see the fireworks! *wizz* *flash* *bang*There's my classic 'supermarket rage'! Love it! Still fighting that!
Thursday 17 August 2006 - 12:18PM (BST)
Ackbar Answers!
(read this in your best Ackbar voice - it's funnier that way, trust me.)
Members of the Alliance are often coming up to me and saying; 'Admiral, what's the dealy with Loop Quantum Gravity?'
Well, without my awsome aquatic mental might (A.A.M.M.), it can be quite difficult to grasp. So I break it down for them into small understandable chunks that I call 'fact bites' (tm).
So, here's the word on Loop Quantum Gravity.
1) Space is not a single volume, but infact is a series of indivisable volumes. Chunks if you will. Each of these measures a mere 10-35 meters.
2) Space-time links these chunks together. These links can and do wrap around each other, forming both simple and complex knots or 'braids' as they're known. They look a bit like pretzels.
3) The different arrangements of the braids provide different charges and properties, thus giving rise to the smallest particles, e.g. neutrinos, positrons, quarks and electrons.
4) So it turns out that everything is made from space-time. Space-time is the elementary particle and the thing that binds us all together!
...not that force malarky Skywalker is always going on about...
That concludes this briefing.
Ha! I remember doing this - awesome! That's over simplified, to point of being slightly inaccurate, but it sums up the principle quite well. See, I continued my study of the quantum world and learned an awful lot in the years since. I tend to look at as a religion though, due to my personal leanings and academic background. Since I can't understand a lot of the equations, and can't see any of these wonderful things my own eyes, you do have to take it on faith. I'm pretty up to date on quantum affairs though and am looking forward to what the next ten years will bring - it's looking increasingly likely that ours is just one universe of many.
As a fun fact, in a similar way to the post above, you should read this in your best Admiral Ackbar voice, check out this. If the universe was the size of the earth, the amount of it we've seen, including all of the super-powerful telescope stuff, would only be equal to a grain of sand. Really puts into perspective how little we know and how little we really are. This kind of stuff really gives me a deeper appreciation of Lovecraft's works and his views of
Monday 21 August 2006 - 09:19PM (BST)
The picture says it all!
I just watched this, er, brilliant tribute to the Original Star Trek, in the form of a fan episode.
Check it out @ Wigtacular!
In other news, I forgot to say my first review on Gamefaqs went through! Hurah. I pretty much just pasted my blog rant about Samurai Shodown V, it kinda shows. The language is terrible but it's an honest review. Maybe I'll write a few more - I like my own ideas about things. I see that no one has written a review of Ninja Commando on their site yet. I might have to get in there... Here's the link to that SSV review @ I've not got around to seeing 'Snakes on a Plane' yet. Whilst I'm not so interested in the film, I want to see it for two reasons. 1) Samuel 'This party's over' L Jackson. 2) The interntet angle. See, I want to support any venture that is so tied to the internet and the online fan community. Brilliant! So yeah, I want to support that so it can continue. Then when there's a project going on that I'm interested in, see what I'm getting at? 'Ackbar: The Early Years' may yet come about. It doesn't help that my girl doesn't want to see it. We watched 'A Scanner Darkly' instead. Awesome film - you can tell he was depressed when he wrote it. Very good film (4/5?), worth the ticket price alone for the scene with the mountain bike!
9 Gears!
Tuesday 22 August 2006 - 09:11PM (BST)
I have had it...
...with these *bleep* snakes on this *bleep* plane!
Okay, so I saw the film just now. Whilst doped up on plenty of pain killers. I was kinda surprised by three things. 1) It was really gross. Worse than I expected. 2) It was quite slow in places. I figured it would be a bit more 'pointless wizz bang'. 3) It was actually quite good. They played the whole thing very straight (unlike say, 8 Legged Freaks) and it works. You go 'ah!' when you're supposed to, you go 'yeuch!' when you're supposed to. And you cheer when SLJ tasers a mother fucking snake! The film is great fun if you're willing to let it be what it wants to be.
And what you secretly want it to be too, if you're honest!
Monday 28 August 2006 - 09:41PM (BST)Not Much Been Goin' On...
...Enjoyed the Bank Holiday Weekend, which it was nice to get. I usually have to work all of them. I didn't get to do any RPGin' though. We played a couple of games of Necromunda instead. It's great fun to play something you've not played since you were, like, well, you've not played in over ten years!
My gang - 'The Short Picnic' - are doing okay for themselves. They're about to shoot up the ratings with the addition of a new heavy and juve. Something else that drives up the cost is having 50% of them armed with grapnels! For those not in the know, that's like a Batman style grapple belt gun thing. Awesome. I'm thinking of moulding some little ears on the guys to make them look more like the Dark Knight.
Aside from that I won at the casino! Woo! I actually won twice what I went in with but only walked away with 1.5 of that. Because I forgot what the chips and bets were worth and accidentally gambled my winnings thinking I was down. D'oh! Afterwards we went out for some Mexican food. I really like Mexican food - Guacamole is one of the nicest things I've ever tasted! /end gratuitous linkage/
/end gratuitous blogage/
Man, I still absolutely fucking love Guacamole! I had some of the 'proper' stuff in this little Mexican place whilst we were in the states - it was great to taste it 'pure', not off the rack prepackaged as it were. Awesome! And playing the Short Picnic was fun for a while. Necromunda was cool, but I'd rather be playing Rogue Trader if I'm honest.
Wednesday 30 August 2006 - 10:51PM (BST)
Get Money! Brilliant!
The language is strong. You've been warned!
Wednesday 6 September 2006 - 07:16PM (BST)Owwwie!
There's been no update recently 'cos I'm signed off work for two weeks with a savage wrist injury. So typin' a blog is well out.
But I will be back...
Sunday 17 September 2006 - 09:58PM (BST)I'm back baby! Yeah!
So after two weeks of down time, physio-therapy and junk food I'm back.
My wrist/arm is doing a lot better. We've not had much in the way of roleplay, but we have enjoyed a couple of Star Wars games. They were a lot of fun. The 'best moment' belongs to our friend Adrian (check out his 360 under friends ---> ). When we play Star Wars RPG, we have a plastic toy Lightsaber and whoever is holding the 'saber gets a +1 bonus to all their checks and rolls. You get the Lightsaber by quoting the films in game. Whoever made the last good (GM veto, have I!) quote gets it, and if you just lost it, then you have to quote to get it back. The scripts from the original Star Wars films, episodes IV - VI just to be clear, are so quotable it makes for a fantastic game. You also get the 'saber if you work in a very good reference that could have or should have been a quote.
So Adrian's character, the light hearted Jedi Nadooka did. She was terrified by these ghosts of long deceased Sith Lords whilst exploring their temple. Turning to her companion she shakes;
"I find these phantoms very menacing!"
What larks Pip! Yeah, we laughed hard at that one, and Adrian deservedly got the 'saber back for that one.
Outside of the RPG game we also played a bit of Necromunda. It was good fun, but apart from a couple of deaths and some money changing hands, it was reasonably quiet.
I've played a lot of videogames over my two weeks off. 99% of the gaming was FF X-2. Unable to move my right wrist properly, pressing X to select stuff on menus is about all I could do. I got the guide book which has awesome presentation, but haven't used it much. Mostly because I'm almost at the end of the game and the guide says you really should be around lvl 45+ before tackling the bosses. Falling way short of that I've been just fighting and leveling Y R P up. I'm looking forward to going through it again already. The campy action is great fun. Progress might go on hold for a short while though as I picked up (yay - payday!) Lego Star Wars II! Initial impressions are good, ooh! wrist!, an improvement on the much loved original game. I loved the snow speeder/Hoth battle. Awesome-ly frantastic!
The only other major event was the loss of all my hair. *snip* I've lost the half way down my back tail and now have a short back and sides with a small fuzzymop on top.
All proudly 80s.
Enjoy this brilliant picture - cosplay as a Racing Queen! Two for the price as one....
I remember those days quite well. My wrist was absolutely fucked and wiping my ass with my left hand was surprisingly difficult. I spent each day the same way. Get up at about 0830, when Becky went to work. Shower etc. and head to town, or at the very least Mutley (small collection of shops near our flat). Pick up supplies and struggle with them, using only one arm/hand/wrist. Sit down and play FF X-2 for the rest of the day, with Youtube breaks if I got a little bored. Lego Star Wars is awesome, love that game!
Losing all my hair again recently brings this memory flooding back. Currently I have a fuzzy mop too, although my head has been sunburned and is slightly peeling. Ew!And I love that picture! Still have it on the laptop in my 'cosplay' folder. Awesome!
Wednesday 20 September 2006 - 10:11PM (BST)
The Love! The Love I say!
Just had a small RPG game which saw the return of the much loved 'Cpt. Tasi'! The picture is because Xena is the character she is based on. And both Lucy Lawless and Xena both *rock*.
I got sent this link thanks to ST - and I'm going Segagaga! Awesome! This is the sort of thing I love about Japan. It's a real shame that crap like this is not released outside of there. Who doesn't want to run Sega? I bet most games players could do it better than Sammy is currently doing. I want more classics of gaming like NiGHTS and Burning Rangers! Not crap like Shadow the Hedgehog. I guess the higher you are the further the fall eh?
In other news I'm gonna see a bus! A silver bus! Rebecca and I are going to stay in America with her family. I can't wait! I'm really looking forwards to meeting her family and seeing a silver bus.
You know, like in the movies.... you just don't get them over here....
Gotta say, I watched some of Season 6 of Xena recently. They get cloned and brought back in the future! Awesome!
Monday 25 September 2006 - 07:03PM (BST)
It came from the deep...
When I was a lot younger one of my favourite toys was my Boglin - Slobster. He followed me everywhere, always ready to stick a claw up at an adult who thought it was not time for toys. As you can see he recently came back for a special appearance to stick a claw up at some Necromunda figures who woke him up!
What a *star*!
This was always one of my favourite blog entires. Awesome!Thursday 28 September 2006 - 10:08AM (BST)
Sometimes you've got to let someone else do the talking for you....
Today that's the awesome Chage & Aska with 'Something There';
I'm so alone in a crowd and cry
Too many tears
Just like a child who's lost
I became a prisoner of my fears
People come, people go
They are hiding in shadows
Hiding in dreams
Moving in, moving out
They are nothing but strangers
Strange as it seems
My paper heart is so easily torn
Again and again
I never know what the reason may be
It just doesn't end
There's a sound in the air
While the time goes on slipping
Slipping away
In the air, it is everywhere, nowhere, somewhere
So I'm gone have to say
Why (Is it there)
Tell me why (Is it there)
I don't ever wanna say good-bye (Do you ever wonder why?)
As I look into an empty sky
Somebody tell me why (Somebody tell me why)
I feel there may be something there
I feel there maybe someone there
Sometimes a ship's gotta break every chain
To go to the sea
I'm getting on, I'm getting on, I'm getting on
I want a love to set me free
Take a chance, take a stand
There's a destiny waiting, waiting on a train
And your kiss, it is everywhere, nowhere, somewhere
It is warmer than rain
Why (Is it there)
Tell me why (Is it there)
I don't ever wanna say good-bye (Do you ever wonder why?)
As I look into an empty sky
Somebody tell me why (Somebody tell me why)
And when I'm wounded in the heart
That's when I play my greatest part
You know I try, and I try, and I try
Why (Is it there)
Tell me why (Is it there)
I don't ever wanna say good-bye (Do you ever wonder why?)
As I look into an empty sky
Somebody tell me why (Somebody tell me why)
I feel there may be something there
I feel there may be something there
Let us leave it there, on a high note! Man, I love Chage and Aska. Until next time!