Okay, here I am again. Not a great deal happened today, ironic since I saw the movie 'The Happening'. Not to be too harsh, it was just okay. There wasn't anything wrong with it, but it didn't really have much charisma. It was too slow to pull you in and although it got started pretty quickly, it never really either sped up or paid off. And the whole wife-is-irresponsible-wife-gets-someone-else'-kid-to-look-after-wife becomes-responsible thing was not happening. In short, go see Speed Racer if your local picture house is still showing it.
I've decided to tackle a couple of old posts at a time, as I don't want to still be archiving these things in 2 years. 360 is not still going to be there then. Also, it's not important to copy every single post. Some of them don't really say anything and what I choose to archive here, says something about what I'm doing now/who I am now. So, without further ado.
Thursday 25 May 2006 - 06:27PM (BST)
Had a funny dream last night...
...I dreamt I bought a dog, a little scotty dog, from this dude in a flooded quay. For those of you who've been there, I think it was Port Blacksand. So this cute dog was obviously not a pure-bred as he had long bassett-hound-esque ears. So I named him Rebo, after Max Rebo. After sniffing his way from the guy who sold him, to me, via the least most flooded route (for Rebo doesn't like baths or water), we were off to buy presents. Now Rebo is not just any dog. He has the power to sniff out the best present for a person, ever. "Come on boy! Where are the presents? Find the presents!" We went to 'Toys 'R' Us" and bought the best presents ever (including some nice lingerie, which was obviously really a present for me...). Then everyone loved us, me and Rebo, for getting them such ace presents. What a team!
So yeah, that was weird, but fun.
So! I remember this dream quite well. I thought the idea of being able to sniff out the best presents was great. I mostly remember this because I referenced it recently. I was bugging a friend for some pictures of her cute dog (called Max as coincidence would have it) and offered a picture of my dog for trade. Of course, I don't have a dog currently, so decided to draw one instead. I can't draw - here's the proof.
Okay, onto the next post.
Friday 26 May 2006 - 09:08PM (BST)
Feeling a little blue...
...y'know sad. Mostly it's about work. Still, tomorrow's another day! Of work.
But we're having friends over sun/mon so that'll cheer me up! Hurah for nice people!
I really should learn to not take it out on other people though, especially the ones I love. But since they're the closest, they always seem to bare the brunt of my grumpits. And that's not fair on them. I'm sorry Rebecca - I'll try to cheer up for the rest of the evening! I'll start with PIE for dinner...
I have no idea who those friends were. I'm doing much better at not taking my grump out on others now, at least I think so. Strangely, I do remember the pie. It was Fray Bentos and I loved it. I had one recently, steak and mushroom. I was kinda pissed because I thought I'd bought steak and ale, which is vastly superior. But some joker had put a steak and mushroom pie back on the steak and ale pile. Thus, as I did not check my purchase, hurrying to leave the store, I ended up with the wrong pie. Still tasted good, but not as good as it should've done. Three cheers for the awesome that is Fray Bentos! I remember sharing them with my gran when I was tiny and used to stay with her through the summer.Sunday 28 May 2006 - 12:36AM (BST)
Urgh... Too Much Pizza...
...I ate too much pizza just now. It's buy one-get one free on carry out. The human stomach was not designed to withstand that kind of punishment! I wash everything down with water; I'm really glad it's not something fizzy like Coke. I like Coke (Virgin Cola is my fave.)but not for drinking with food. Just imagine all those girgling noises. Urgh.
Best/Worst thing? With our friends coming over tomorrow for a few days, it'll probably be takeout again tomorrow.
Well, this hasn't changed! I still eat too much, especially pizza! And I still wash it all down with water.Tuesday 30 May 2006 - 05:04PM (BST)
Got off work early!
Hurah for quiet afternoons! It starts my holiday early as I also have wednesday/thursday off too.
We had our friends over on the bank holiday weekend. It was cool. It's always great when you're reminded why you're not living in a cave somewhere. Several times in my life this has been considered as an option too.
I've started reading 'The Difference Engine' (
http://www.amazon.co.uk/exec/obidos/search-handle-url/203-3641553-4734330?%5Fen... ) also. It's okay so far. There's too much description for my liking and the characters don't quite make sense yet. We'll see how it turns out. I picked it up because I must be the only person in my generation (of geek) who's not read any William Gibson! And the whole 'steam-punk' appeals more than cyber-punk.
I've been playing a lot of King of Fighters recently. For a mere £23 I got 2000-2003 (four games!). It's quite good and I've not played it since waay back in '94 on the Sega Saturn.
*shows age*
There are loads of characters and the average number of special moves is higher than Street Fighter (which I've been playing almost constantly since it came out!). I wanted to get into the King of Fighters series because they (SNK and now SNK Playmore) keep producing new games in the series, which Capcom has failed to do. I can feel a sense of progress/experimentation across the four games I've been playing, more so than the last four Street Fighter games that Capcom has put out. I remember my disappointment when I got home with Capcom vs. SNK 2 a fews years back. I was like, 'woo; new game!'. Five minutes later it was all over because it hadn't changed and I could go through the previous title in the series whilst sat on my eyes.
Even though I went through KoF 2000 on difficulty 8 with just a single credit after an afternoon of practice (!), I'm not worried about the same thing coming up with the KoF series. Two reasons.
1) SNK change the series quite a bit with each new version, and I hope SNK Playmore will continue to do so now they control the series.
2) The end-bosses are so crapin' cheap no mortal could ever master them!
It was great having those days off during the week, as I posted about yesterday. I never did finish that book - it just wasn't me. I never got around to trying any other Gibson either. Ah, well. Plenty of time to do so later. I'm still playing the KoF games. They rock! The different versions are a lot of fun and usually add something new. The bosses are all variously cheap, although replaying the old SF games recently, I have to say they're not as balanced as I remember them, waiting until the Alpha series to get anywhere close to fair. 2000 remains a firm favourite, as is 95, 99, XI and Neowave. XI was great as it established Kula and Whip as a gay couple, or perhaps that's just too much hanging out with Ricky and reading too much into it. Either way, it's now K-cannon. Check out this:
I did a whole load of them. This was the best as it features that awesome dyejob that Kula helped Whip with, presented by that awesome sprite-editor that is me! Sprites, I can do, by art? Well, just look back up to my picture of Reebo.
More tomorrow!