happy halloween!

Oct 31, 2004 22:04

Eeep! What's happening?
Me and Alicia Loo <33

--many more pictures to be added soon--

This weekend consisted of the Homecoming game/dance and reuniting with my best friend Justin
Oh how I missed him.
Then we + alex went activity searching. Nothing. Naturally.
Then we just hung out at Justins and I went home.
I went to my plantation with mom and dad Saturday morning, played with the ghosts in the graveyeard then called it a day.. ehhh.
Saturday night however, I did makeAlex and J both attend the cheering competition with me. Hickory won and they much deserved it to say the least <3
Then we met up with Heather and Kyle and we saw the movie SAW. Not so much scary as it was weird/gross.
Although, It's a movie worth seeing.

<3 She said don't, don't let it go to your head. Boys like you are dimeadozen, boys like you are dimeadozen <3
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