Oct 28, 2004 16:44

The suspense is terrible, it just might kill me.

Homecoming week is coming to an end. This stress this week has almost been unbearable, but it's friday tomorrow. That's all I feel like concerning myself with.
So I've realized how truly fast this year has gone by already. It's soon to be November and then Chritmas isn't far. After Christmas then comes second semester and that never lasts long. Then to Spring Break and then we will be walking in a cap and gown with apperant smiles on our faces. Then soon comes grad week with all of our favorite friends, at our favorite place in the world.. the beach. <3
So with my first letter from College already in hand, i'm even more scared and unprepared for what life's about to throw at me seemlingly ..unfairly. But then nothings really ever fair is it?

Speaking of unfair.. 2 months from today I will be having surgery. 2 more months to walk, 2 more months to cheer, 2 more months to do anything productive other than sitting on my couch with a cast on my leg.
I do have my first cheering competition at CNU this saturday. I'm excited being that it's one out of three I am allowed to attend. One local competition, States and one Nationals. However, I was expecting to go to 8. Things got cut short. again..
But then next Saturday will be States at VCU and Sheree is going to come see me <3

--I've changed, you've changed. And everytime I talk to you I feel it more and more. It's best we just go our seperate ways. I forgive you but there's no way I could ever forget what happened. It's just too far gone, and you've sure as hell done this wrong--

I'm going tanning now.
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