where did you run to, so far away?

Oct 14, 2004 18:03

The difference between them and me.. Well they want you just to simply tell the world that they had you. Funny, I took much more pride in our friendship than that and with a hell of a lot more concern than they ever will. Pretty pathetic if you ask me.
Can't you find at least one good thing worth fighting for? You're selling yourself short. O p e n your eyes.
You're hanging on to such foolish pride. We all got hurt, yes. But you'd be the last to admit it. It's okay to need people, it was okay to need me. But what do you gain by pushing it all away. I've regretably learned once, and if you think a simple sorry here and there is going to keep me around, you're saddly mistaken. So I hope your "theory" is turning out as well as you had planned. It's a shame, senior year, we had one more year to do this right, one more year to make memories worth remembering; yet somewhere, somehow you dissappeared. But i'm not coming to look for you, you left. Remember?

Chris came home from ECU today for fall break. I am extremely excited to say the least. It's good having my big brother around <3

P.S. On a more political note, I hate John Kerry.
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