It was my turn to be the reccer over at
crack_van for November for both "Smallville" and "Witchblade". These are all the stories I recced, just linked to my post in that community. It was a good deal of fun, so I'd encourage anyone to sign up for a month in the fandom of their choice.
The SV stories lean more toward my favorite AU fiction and Witchblade is a really hard fandom to rec in--more people need to write in that fandom. *Really*. I also wrote the Overview for "Witchblade" so if you are unfamiliar with the story, or it's been a while, feel free to peruse:
Witchblade Overview Witchblade
Transference by
Light Inescapable by Sare Liz and
Saving Grace by Sare Liz and
Turn the Page by
malisita My Crossover Rec for Witchblade/Highlander:
Digitabulum Magae Smallville
The Terrible Conflagration Up At the Place from
Macellum by
Somewhere I Have Never Traveled and Gladly Beyond by
Prophet of Eden from
destina and
Ice by
My crossover recs for Smallville/Spiderman and Smallville/Austin Powers:
Standing in the Common Spaces from
seperis At the Fifteenth Annual Evil Mastermind Convention from