Recs from December and January (chuck, dexter, harry potter, heroes, pros, star trek, atlantis)

Feb 01, 2008 20:13

Hmm. Can't remember if I announced moving my site on here, but everything on will no longer work.


Site link:
Main recs and resources hub: (Well over 700 recs in various fandoms, plus resource guides for SV, SPN and SGA.)

Recs from December and January:

Fic Recs:

Stargate: Atlantis

5 new recs on my del.icio account, syndicated: talkoncorners2.


hackthis wrote I'm Just a Soul Whose Intentions Are Good - Chuck/Bryce! CHUCK/BRYCE LOW VOLUME PAIRING OF MY HEART. And lo, it was lovely.

Star Trek: TOS

The World Turned Upside Down by Jenna Hilary Sinclair. 25,600 words. Summary: When Spock is seriously wounded, Kirk despairs of ever having a relationship with him.

Fifty-six. Fifty-seven. Fifty-eight. Fifty-nine.

The message he wanted to hear wasn’t going to come. Why did he always expect miracles?

This one's definitely one of my favorite stories in the fandom. There's a bit of a twist I hadn't seen coming.

Still Amok by Jat Sapphire. 9300 words. Summary: Spock told McCoy and Kirk that his pon farr was over, but is it? And its sequel: Coals of Fire. Summary: Set between "Amok Time" and "This Side of Paradise." What happened after the president's inauguration on Altair 6. 31,000 words. Note: There is a prequel to both of these, but it's pre-K/S so I haven't gotten around to it. You can find it on her main page.

Good plot, great K/S dynamic and characterization, fun stuff here.

With Relish by Jesmihr. 5,100 words. Summary: Why they ought to put warning labels on jars of Kersakkian relish.

“Jim, please trust me.”

“Oh, god,” Jim protested. “That’s not fair, and you know it. Of course I trust you - I always have. I just…”

“I understand,” Spock said soothingly. “But I assure you: it is only the relish.” He took Kirk’s arm and was relieved when the human sighed in resignation and relinquished his claim to the wall.

What You're Missing by Jat Sapphire. 400 words. Super short Kirk pov that somehow managed to still make me sniffly.

Another Country Beckons by Rae Trail. 18,000 words. Summary: A starship captain discovers that his subconscious mind has been busily courting while his conscious mind runs his ship.

"Fascinating. You are looking for a long-term partner, then?"

Kirk was moved by the devil then, to look up and smile flirtatiously. "Only if it's someone as handsome and clever as you, Mister Spock."

'Okay, that went over like a lead shuttlecraft', he thought, seeing the blank look on his First's face.

The Last Straw by Liz Ellington. 14,900 words. Summary: Challenge: Spock will tolerate Kirk screwing around with women, but when it's another man ...

Now, that summary had me doing my Vulcan eyebrow thing, because I really, really hate cheating fics. (Um, unless the OTP is with other people and they cheat on the other people with the other half of the actual OTP. Then we're totally okay!) So this isn't established relationship, much to my relief.

His Darkest Hour by Jesmihr. 13,000 words. Summary: Spock must contend not only with his own feelings but also with those of a telepathic alien, who has designs on Kirk.

Protective!Spock in action. Um, I don't know when Spock *isn't* protective, but whatever. Good stuff.

Just Be a Friend by Liz Ellington. 14,000 words. Summary: Eavesdropping can get you in trouble. He sighed and put the matter firmly out of his mind for the moment. He had to work with Spock today, after all. It wouldn't help him to be dwelling on what Spock had done with Ballard, or on his unexpected reaction to it.

On the Brink by Jenna Hilary Sinclair. 6,000 words. Summary: Kirk has taken that first big step: he's asked Spock if he would be interested in an intimate relationship. But Spock's not even sure that he can react to his captain in a sexual manner. He needs some time to think about it.

But there was still the question of physical compatibility. The kiss had not moved him.

Evergreen by Jesmihr. 7,800 words. Summary: Kirk and Spock spend Christmas in the woods of Pennsylvania.

I love stories where there's some big moment where someone could be really hurt and it leads to Emotional Declarations. This one's got really great atmosphere.

Vids and Art

Who has Faith in Peter and Nathan?! Everyone should, as this vid by heidi8 clearly shows.

Centerfold by kuwdora for oxoniensis' Porn Battle Challenge, Mohinder/Sylar GOODNESS. *bounces*

This is a rec of...a rec! kuwdora put together this amazing, 4,000 word post about why wistful_fever's Heroes, Mohinder/Sylar What Goes Around vid is amazing, and she is so, so right. I love this vid more every time I watch it, and believe me, I loved it plenty the first viewing.

Seriously, you can put these two vids on rotation and come up with crazy Epic ideas.

Sylar/Mohinder, art by slodwick. So incredibly hot and gorgeous.

Master and Commander, lovely art by beeej

I Think I Love You vid by femmequixotic - Snape/Harry to David Cassidy.

West of Her Spine by sweetestdrain. Chock full of Deb, Dexter and Brian goodness. This vid was so...I guess beautiful's the only word, even though, hey, serial killers and brutality. *coughing* Someone said this in comments, and she totally nailed my reaction as well: What I really liked about this was the structure -- you begin with what's fake (Rudy/Deb) and the song choice is juxtaposed against that, but then you circle around to what is sincere (Brian and his real connection to Dexter, even if it's all effed-up), at which point the song choice becomes quite tender. I've always loved this song, and now this vid is always going to be the association I have with it. Note - only the imeem version is working currently.

Precious by Xandra. Chock full of Dexter and Brian goodness.

Detachable Penis by Media Cannibals, also available on imeem. (Linked with permission! *g*) I first saw this vid at vividcon, and lo, there was staring. On each subsequent rewatch it doesn't get any deeper - because penis substitutes + men + lots and lots of weapons is your basic equation for this vid, but it DOES brainwash me into thinking I want to watch Professionals sometime. And that blowing shit up is fun, but we all knew that already. Very cool vid; and no, you do not need to know a SINGLE thing about this show to appreciate this.

The Tick:
A Crush Story by wickedwords and sherrold. I've never seen the source, and I can't say that I want to. *g* This vid is adorable though. Available for download here.

Fit But You Know It by deirdre_c, Supernatural. One word: HILARIOUS.

A tribute to vidding by counteragent - oh man, this was cool. Basically - a bunch of fantastic other vidders' clips fit to Destiny Calling, add a sense of good timing and love and push go. There was clapping. There was misting. Mostly grinning and clapping though.

supernatural, chuck, harry potter, dexter, star trek, heroes, the tick, pros, vids, stargate atlantis

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