Thanks everyone for your responses to my last post. I really needed the encouragement.
My grandmother is getting married this weekend, and she asked me to play a few songs on my guitar at the wedding. I'm looking forward to playing - it's been a few years since I've really played in front of anyone. What I am not looking forward to is the 5 hour car ride I'm about to embark upon. My mom, my dad, my little brother and his wife and I are going to cram into a little sedan and brave the treacherous freezing passes of the Coquihalla Highway. I have a number of concerns about this trip:
1. I am a rather large man and have doubts about the comfort this packed car will afford me
2. I cannot read in a car without getting motion sickness so I have no idea how I will fill the time
3. I have a sometimes crippling claustrophobia.
4. I have tourrette's syndrome, and my ticks are worsened by anxiety
5. I am quitting smoking
Some of you may remember that I attempted to quit smoking little more than a year ago. Actually, I succeeded in quitting for over a month, but rewarded myself by starting again. About a month ago I started waking up in the middle of the night, unable to breathe. My doctor told me I had bronchitis. It's been less than a week since I quit, and I realized that it is the first three or four days that are the easiest. The fifth and sixth days seem to be the hard ones. Will it only get worse? Only time will tell. I bought nicotine gum, but it kinda burns.