(no subject)

Feb 09, 2010 13:06

Wal Mart Discriminates?

SILVERTHORNE, Colo. - A small group of West African men who came to the Rockies in search of economic opportunity are embroiled in a dispute with Wal-Mart, accusing it of a raft of discriminatory actions. Most say they were dismissed because supervisors wanted to give their jobs to local people in need of work.

...things changed in 2008 and 2009, when new managers took over the stores, according to the complaints as well as interviews here with four of the men, who continue to gather weekly at a cramped apartment and talk of their hopes of getting new jobs.

In January 2009, six complainants said, a new manager at the Avon store called a meeting of workers - virtually all West African - and said: “I don’t like some of the faces I see here. There are people in Eagle County who need jobs.” ...

...Idrissa Tall said that last summer, after nearly three years of employment, he was suddenly fired for not stocking shelves fast enough.

“We saw a lot hard changes,” Mr. Tall said. “It hurt us; it shocked us. Everybody that got fired got fired for the same reason - because we are African.” ....

Now, far be it from me, a simpleton of epic proportion to claim to know if Wal-Mart is racist or not. Far be it from me, a mere man, to challenge their ethical stance.

After all, I see their commercials. They tell me to:

They are not out to harm anyone; they are an honest business trying to make an honest buck....right?

Or are they worse than that? Are they the lurking evil that Socialists want to fend off? I imagine that even though this community is global (if US-centric, sorry for that, btw) Wal-Mart is in every country which we here have posters from. I'd be interested to hear your stories and if there is a Wal-Mart in your country/town (outside of the US, inside the US, well no-duh there's a wal-mart in your town or the neighboring town)

One of my college buddies currently works for Wal-Mart in an upstate NY store; he's white, so he's prolly not gonna be fired for discrimination. Though if he mentions the word "union" once too often, he might just find himself out of a job.

This leads me, roundabout, to my final point.

If the case could be proven that Wal-Mart forcibly prevents a workers union forming within their ranks, what should be done? Anything?

Before you jump too quickly to: "let wal-mart do whatever they want, they are their own private company" I ask you to go look at article 23 of the UN declaration of human rights


unions, corporations

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