American myopia:

Feb 11, 2016 09:53

is most prevalent in terms of some of the hypocrisy of the antiwar movement. Especially in terms of beauties like this:

"Every global conflict from the small, like Haiti, to the largest, like Iraq and Syria, is the result of American interventions. But presidential candidates and major newspapers won’t acknowledge American responsibility for the suffering of millions of people. It is yet another reason to reject the Democrats and Republicans and their tag team politics of pretense. No one can say for certain who will be president of the United States one year from now. We do know that he or she will continue to bring disaster all over the world."'s_endless_wars

Yes, everywhere else in the world is made up of mindless thralls of American mind control powers and incapable of making decisions on their own. There are no ancient animosities the USA steps into in delusions that it can have a "five week or five month but decidedly not five year" war. The United States is the only country indulging in Imperialism. European countries never go to war in their former colonies to prop up their own interests:

The concept of imperialism, in this sense, isn't about the crude reality that big countries build military bases elsewhere.

When the heirs of Mao build a base in Djibouti, this is not imperialism because they're not white or Christian:

The Saudis and the Iranians can't be run by demagogues exploiting the power of the United States for and against them respectively to prop up unpleasant brands of religious fanaticism. Washington is always to blame. To be sure, without US dollars the Saudis fall apart, and without Operation Ajax, Iran would still be run by the Pahlavis.

But these local brown people don't have brains or intellects or any ability to fire a gun on their own without secret invisible Americans really doing everything for them.

The reality that whoever is the great empire of the time is the one that gets flack for things even when it's either not directly involved or its involvement is ineffectual. Before WWII, if it was evil it was all the fault of Downing Street, because the evil hand of Britain was the one manipulating proxies. Nobody ever has agency, it's all the Empire doing everything evil in the history of ever.

I get it, I really do. It's easier to say that nobody outside the USA has any intellectual or moral culpability whatsoever for actions that they do. It's easier to note the degree to which Americans really are backwards superstitious inbred pedophile-enablers who love to bomb shit dead and then bomb the corpses just to make sure and see in this the root of all evil that ever was or will ever be since 1945 or 1919 or what have you. But all it is at the end of the day is a means to pretend that nobody else is culpable either.

Daesh wouldn't have happened if the USA hadn't disbanded the Iraqi Army and given the Ba'ath an excuse to go from this:

to burning people alive in cages. I get that, I really do. Americans aren't using mind control rays to make Daesh light people on fire in cages. Europeans carved up the region and maintained an empire the USA took over controlling for its own interests. The recent Paris attack was as much the bastard offspring of France's genocidal conquests in Algeria as it was anything with the USA, not to mention France's genocidal colonial rule in Syria itself. But this context is never allowed to be spoken. The degree to which these countries have been given the iron fist from Western powers in general, the USA just the latest and most recent of the breed, is not allowed to exist.

That the same people who mention Richard the Lion-Heart and the Horns of Hattin in morale boosting videos might just resent the everloving fuck out of the UK and France for gassing them and machine-gunning them for having the audacity to rule themselves is silliness. Evil only began in 2002, after all.

Americans frankly neither know nor care about this. We're so busy caught up in delusions of mastering the world that we forget that as powerful as the United States is, as evil as its government can be, sometimes all the USA does is step into existing nightmares and make them worse. The USA is so caught up in bawling and squawling years after the fact about the supposedly unspeakable evil of 9/11 that a single massacre only 1,000 short of that in Nigeria happens without anyone realizing that this 1940s-style mass execution is why Boko Haram is the most dangerous terrorist organization out there.

Is the United States an Empire? Absolutely. Are the actions of empires evil? They most assuredly are. But is the critique of the empire about the evils of the system or still being butthurt that the old empires fell and now the USA and Russia and China are picking at the bones of those empires and trying to squelch the former colonies? 

war, usa, geopolitics, history, opinion

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