Well, seems like the fairy tale is over, ladies and gentlemen. After a long "stand-off" which saw the authorities not moving a finger to take over the shack that the Bundys & Co. had occupied in their bid for glory & liberty, and after those noble freedom-fighters against the oppressive Gubmint(TM) had started running out of food, booze, and ammo I suppose, and had started to beg folks for supplies... Now comes this.
Oregon standoff spokesman Robert 'LaVoy' Finicum killed, Bundys in custody after shooting near Burns First off, "LaVoy Finicum". Why does this remind me of "santorum" in some way? (Note the lower case). Oh don't mind me, I digress.
Alas, this whole soapie had to come to an end so abruptly. Why did they have to leave the comfy safety of their liberty nest and hit the road, dammit!? I was sooo rooting for a few months of Survivor-style reality-show that would see those guys living in the woods and shitting alongside the bears, and eating roots and berries. Wouldn't that have been glorious?
That said, the main question at this point may well be, how can future such occurrences be prevented in the future? I mean, stupid acts like these seem heroic in their absurdity, and I'm sure they sell a lot of newspapers and blog space, but still. Well, first we'll have to figure how we got there. And most evidence points to right-wing overheat, over the top rhetoric that loosely aligns freedom with white men taking back their country - or something.
First you got a democrat, and a black one at that, for president - and it all started unraveling from there. Some people got really pissed. Others were scared to apocalyptic extents. Then you've got the myth that there's some kind of impending tyranny hanging over the good folks' heads (you know: FEMA death camps, Obamacare death panels, etc). Talk about propaganda, eh?
So. How can this be fixed, if at all? Well, it's got to start with right-wing leaders, especially those who are still finding themselves on the campaign trail for some reason. Hey guys, you want to show how wise and noble you are, and how worthy of being the leaders of the greatest nation on Earth? Go ahead then. You can start with walking back the rhetoric while you're at the mics, and maybe with some luck we could end all this peacefully, eventually. Guys? Hey, guys... Where are you going, guys?
Not gonna happen, is it.
On the other hand, how about throwing the tables at all those bullshitters and doing what Jon Stewart recommended in the very last utterance of his very last show ever: "So, I say to you tonight, friends. The best defense against the bullshit is vigilance. So if you smell something - say something".